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Architecture Records Metamodel

Overview of the Architecture Records metamodel and definition of templates for five supported record types

Simon Field avatar
Written by Simon Field
Updated over 3 months ago

This metamodel supports recording different types of Architecture Records in Ardoq and introduces a framework for adopting a family of component types. We call the collective family “Architecture Records,” although each member will have its own name that reflects the type of Architecture Record it represents.

This guide introduces the recommended metamodel for five popular and valued members of this family:

  • Architecture Decision Record

  • Pattern Description

  • Compliance Assessment

  • Approved Architecture Standard

  • Exception Request

You may choose to extend this family with members of your own design, selecting from the “raw ingredients” introduced in Architecture Records: Purpose, Scope, and Rationale.



The five types of record listed above are all forms of documented decision. The basic facts of a decision: the decision itself, what it applies to, over what period, who approved it, and when, may be sufficient to provide evidence of a decision to interested parties, such as an audit.

However, it is also valuable to record why a decision has been made. An architecture is the sum of its design decisions, and it will probably have a life span that will see owners, architects, developers and users come and go. Enabling future stakeholders to understand why an architecture is how it is is a key reason to document decisions. To support a rich description of an Architecture Record, the content has been broken down into a collection of fields that can be included in each type of Architecture Record.

Architecture Records Metamodel

Below is the metamodel of the “type family” Architecture Record. It is a “prototypical” Architecture Record and covers the superset of fields and references available for inclusion in a component type that belongs to the family. Five example family members are described in detail in later sections of this document.

Available Fields and References


The following table lists the set of fields from which a selection can be made to populate a particular “architecture record” component type.

Field Name

Field Type


Decision Context

Text paragraph

The context or use case that lies behind the architecture record. This might describe the general situation that has led to the need to create this record. It might also indicate a scoping context (e.g. this record only relates to one part of the organization).

Decision Concern

Text paragraph

The particular concern that prompted the need for the architecture record. This might be used to document the specific concern or issue that triggered the need for this record.

Decision YesNo


The decision (a Yes or No).

Decision Text

Text paragraph

The decision (a text paragraph describing the decision).

Decision Rationale

Text paragraph

A description of the rationale behind the decision and the desirable outcomes that will follow.

Decision Assumptions

Text paragraph

A list of the assumptions that lie behind the decision.

Decision Consequence

Text paragraph

A description of the consequences of the decision, including any downsides.

Review Date

Date Time

The date this component was last reviewed.

Next Review Date

Date Time

A forward date when this component should next be reviewed.

Decision Live

Date Range

A date range representing the period during which this decision applies / has currency.

Decision Status


One of: Proposed, Rejected, Approved, Retired

The fields Decision YesNo and Decision Text are alternatives. In some circumstances, the component represents a record that has a clear binary decision, such as a compliance assessment considering this question: Does this component fall within the scope of a given policy? So a Compliance Assessment can use Decision YesNo. For a more general Decision Record, the text paragraph as provided with Decision Text is more suitable.


The following reference types are available for use with Architecture Records:

  • Has Subject - a reference used to point from the Architecture Record to the component or components that are the subject of the record (e.g. pointing from an Architecture Standard component to the component that is the proposed or approved standard);

  • Refers To - a reference type used to link the Architecture Record to any component that is not the “subject” of the Record but is associated with, or provides evidence for, the record (e.g. pointing to the quality characteristics that underpin an architecture decision record);

  • Owns - an incoming reference type from the Person who owns the Architecture Record;

  • Is Realized By - a refence used to link the Architecture Record to the component or components that are a realization of the item that has been recorded (typically a Pattern);

  • Approved By - a reference type from the Architecture Record to one or more Person components signifying that the Person has approved the Architecture Record.

The reference fields do not all need to be used, and should be chosen where they are useful to connect a record component to other components in the knowledge graph. For example, for some organizations, recording the people who have approved a decision in the graph will be valuable; for others the value might come from connections to assets rather than people.

To illustrate how the fields and references come together to form a template that can be populated with real decisions, the example below shows a Decision Record component viewed in Ardoq Discover. It is the same example given in Architecture Records: Purpose, Scope, and Rationale to illustrate the Y-Statement format of ADRs.

Live Records

A number of the provided reports and viewpoints refer to “Live” records. A “Live” record is one whose Decision Status is “Approved”, and whose Decision Live Start Date is today or earlier, and whose Decision Live End Date is today or later. “Live” is therefore shorthand for “Current Approved”.

Architecture Records family members

Below, we describe five members of the Architecture Records family that are included with the Solution. The family can be extended with new members, or amended to suit a different record template.

A hierarchy of Category components can optionally be used to organize records within the same Workspace. For example, a single Patterns Workspace can be used to contain different collections of architectural design patterns covering distinct topics organized with a hierarchy of Category components.

Architecture Decision Record (ADR)

This is a documented record of an architectural decision. The decision itself is recorded in free-form text, enabling a wide range of decisions to be captured. The decision should be accompanied by information about the decision context, rationale, assumptions, and consequences, enabling a design decision to be well understood by those who were not involved in decision-making. ADRs might originate in projects that are developing new assets, teams responsible for maintaining and updating assets, or in meetings of formal bodies, such as the Architecture Review Board.

ADR Template:





[Decision Context]


[Decision Concern]


[Decision Text]


{Has Subject}


[Decision Rationale]


[Decision Assumptions]


{Refers To}


[Decision Consequences]

Status: [Decision Status]

Last Reviewed: [Review Date]

Approved By: {Approved By}

[ ] = Component Field

{Owns} = Reference from the Person who owns the decision

{Has Subject} = Reference(s) to the component(s) that are the subject of the decision (e.g. an Application component)

{Refers To} = Reference(s) to component(s) that influenced the decision (e.g. Requirement components that represent Quality Characteristics)

{Approved By} = Reference(s) to Person components that have approved this decision

Pattern Description

This Architecture Record is used to document an architecture pattern, a collection of which can form a Pattern Library within the parent Category. Each record can be searched and found in Ardoq Discover.

Pattern Template:




[Decision Context]


[Decision Text]


[Decision Rationale]


[Decision Assumptions]


[Decision Consequences]


{Refers To}


{Is Realized By}

Status: [Decision Status]

Applies from: [Live Start Date]

Applies until: [Live End Date]

Last Reviewed: [Review Date]

[ ] = Component Field

{Refers To} = Reference(s) to other Pattern components

{Is Realized By} = Reference(s) to components that realize this pattern. Each realization of the pattern should be represented with just one reference to primary component associated with the implementation (e.g. an Application component)

Compliance Assessment

This captures the results of an assessment that has determined whether a particular subject component complies with a particular requirement. The requirement might, for example, be a policy or regulatory requirement, such as DORA or GDPR compliance, or a collection of requirements that collectively describe a framework, such as an organization’s architecture guiding principles. If they are modeled in Ardoq, they may be associated with the Assessment component with the Refers To reference. It differs from other Architecture Records in that it has a YesNo decision - the conclusion is definitive - either the subject does, or does not comply.

Compliance Assessment Template:



{Has Subject}


[Decision YesNo]


[Decision Rationale]


{Refers To}

Status: [Decision Status]

Applies from: [Live Start Date]

Applies until: [Live End Date]

Last Reviewed: [Review Date]

Approved By: {Approved By}

[ ] = Component Field

{Has Subject} = Reference(s) to the component(s) that are the subject of the Compliance Assessment (e.g. a Process component being assessed for compliance with GDPR)

{Refers To} = Reference(s) to component(s) that influenced the decision (e.g. Control components that have been deployed to the Subject, or the Policy components that the subject is being evaluated against)

{Approved By} = Reference(s) to Person components that have approved this assessment outcome

Approved Architecture Standard

This Architecture Record documents a decision to approve one or more Technology Product (which collectively form the Technology Catalog) as a standard for use within an organization. The Live date range is used to indicate its currency, and can be used to trigger processes to renew the standard or find a replacement.

Architecture Standard Template:



[Decision Concern]


{Has Subject}


[Decision Rationale]

Status: [Decision Status]

Applies from: [Live Start Date]

Applies until: [Live End Date]

Last Reviewed: [Review Date]

Approved By: {Approved By}

[ ] = Component Field

{Has Subject} = Reference(s) to the component(s) that represent the approved standard (e.g. Technology Product component(s) in the Technology Catalog)

{Approved By} = Reference(s) to Person components that have approved this standard

Exception Request

In some organizations, architecture standards and principles are expected to be strictly complied with, and exceptions to these need to be requested and approved by an authority. Requesting and granting such an exception is a form of decision, and this type of Architecture Record can be used to manage the process of requesting and approving (or rejecting) such requests. The Live end date can be used to trigger a process to confirm that the exception is no longer required.

Exception Request Template:



{Has Subject}


{Refers To}


[Decision Concern]


[Decision Rationale]

Status: [Decision Status]

Applies from: [Live Start Date]

Applies until: [Live End Date]

Last Reviewed: [Review Date]

Approved By: {Approved By}

[ ] = Component Field

{Has Subject} = Reference(s) to the component(s) that are the subject of the Exception Request (e.g. an Application component that is unable to adopt an approved standard)

{Refers To} = Reference(s) to component(s) from which the exception is being sought (e.g. an Architecture Standard component)

{Approved By} = Reference(s) to Person components that have approved this assessment outcome

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