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How to map Microsoft Azure resources to Ardoq Solutions
How to map Microsoft Azure resources to Ardoq Solutions

Learn how to map between Ardoq Solutions component types and Azure resources for data import.

James Tomkins avatar
Written by James Tomkins
Updated over a week ago

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform that provides Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS) and a variety of other related tools and frameworks. These services are delivered by a range of resources within the Azure environment, typically networking, storage, and compute (servers). Many of these resources are available through the Ardoq Azure integration and can be used to model and analyse the organizational technology landscape. For a full list of available resources and for more information regarding the Ardoq Azure integration please see: Azure Integration | Ardoq Help

Mapping between Ardoq Solutions and Microsoft Azure resources

Problem Statement

Microsoft Azure contains a wide range of different resources and it is not always obvious how best to map these into existing Ardoq workspaces. The guidance below describes the recommended approach to importing Azure resources for alignment with existing Ardoq Solutions.

Ardoq Solution Component Types to Azure Mapping

Default mapping between Azure resources and Ardoq Solution component types

Default mapping between Azure resources and Ardoq Solution component types.

*The Application Instance component type is not a core part of Ardoq Solutions but is provided for when mapping to the ServiceNow Common Service Data Model (CSDM). For more information please see: How to map from the ServiceNow CSDM to Ardoq Solutions

It is recommended that Azure resources should be held within a separate workspace from other infrastructure for ease of management. This workspace, Azure Cloud Infrastructure Workspace, will already have been created if you are using the Application Hosting (AH) or Technology Portfolio Management (TPM) Solutions. This is also the case for Locations within the Cloud Locations & Regions Workspace.

Other Recommendations

Additional Parent Component Types

When importing Azure resources it is recommended that two additional component types be created to hold the Azure subscription and resource group information.

Recommended component type mapping when importing Azure resources.

These new component types are:

  • Subscription - as the parent of Resource Groups

  • Resource Group - as the parent of Azure resources (Technlogy Service components)

These component types should be created within the Azure Cloud Infrastructure workspace as parent and grandparent to the Azure resource Technology Services.

Additional Fields

When importing Azure resources it is recommended that the following fields be added:

Workspace: Cloud Locations & Regions

Component Type: Location




Region ID


Custom ID to hold id from Azure Region

Workspace: Azure Cloud Infrastructure

Component Type: Subscription




Subscription ID


Custom ID to hold id from Azure Subscription

Workspace: Azure Cloud Infrastructure

Component Type: Resource Group




Resource Group ID


Custom ID to hold id from Azure Resource Groups

Workspace: Azure Cloud Infrastructure

Component Type: Technology Service




Azure Resource ID


Custom ID to hold id from all Azure resources

Azure Resource Type


List field to hold the type from all Azure resources

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