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Gremlin Tricks: Replicate a Table View
Gremlin Tricks: Replicate a Table View

This guide explains how to replicate the table view in a Gremlin query, while showing off some querying tricks along the way

Kristine Marhilevica avatar
Written by Kristine Marhilevica
Updated over a week ago

The Tables view allows for a familiar tabular look at the contents of a workspace, and also lets you select some relational columns like "path", "parent", and incoming/outgoing references. However, things get complicated if you want a gremlin query to produce a similar result, either to serve as a starting point or in order to export data into an excel-file.

By defining some reusable functions, you can easily create a query that lets you emulate a table view, and then expand upon it to create more complex tabular outputs:

ardoq reusable functions
ardoq gremlin search

Note: There are some limitations with this approach to be aware of:

  • Workspace names cannot be seen in the graph, so the “path”-column will not be an exact replica.

  • If you add more than nine columns, the column order becomes unpredictable due to data optimizations in Gremlin.

Helper Functions


Perhaps the most interesting helper function to add is the “relational” columns that show referenced components:

def outgoing = {  out(it).values('name').fold().map{it.get().join(', ')}}def incoming = {'name').fold().map{it.get().join(', ')} }

This creates a comma-separated list of referenced components (by name). Note that the incoming-function starts with “”. This is because “in” is a reserved keyword in Groovy, and would cause an error if you tried to invoke it in a “sub-traversal”.

Parent column

You can also find the parent by reusing the “outgoing”-function, or create a separate function for readability:

def parent = {  coalesce(out('ardoq_parent').values('name'), constant('')) }

Field columns

Next, add a function that safely returns a field value even if the field is missing:

def v = {  __.coalesce(values(it), constant(''))}// For numbers, so they get a default of 0 instead:def n = {  __.coalesce(values(it), constant(''))}

This works for most fields, but there are some exceptions.

There is the date-range field which is two data-entries grouped together into one column:

def dateRange = {  dateStart = it + '_start_date';  dateEnd = it + '_end_date';  return {    it.get().property(dateStart).orElse('') + ' - ' + it.get().property(dateEnd).orElse('')  }}

There is the SelectMultipleList-field, which in Gremlin is encoded as a Stringified list that should be broken apart. Here’s a regex-method:

def multiSelect = {  fieldName = it  return {    ('') =~ /"(.*?)"/).findAll().collect{it[1]}.join(', ')  }}

Path column

There is the “path”, which is a list of the parent components separated by an arrow. (NB: Workspace name is not available in the graph)

def path = {  emit().repeat(out('ardoq_parent')).  values('name').fold().  map{it.get().reverse().join(' > ')}}


You can also include tags. Since a component can have multiple tags, you'll need to make a slight adjustment to the “v”-function:

def tags = {  values('tags').fold().map{it.get().join(', ')}}

Putting It All Together

With helper functions defined, you can now put it all together to create a tabular output. Here’s an extreme case that includes all the functions in our toolkit:

def outgoing = {
out(it).values('name').fold().map{it.get().join(', ')}
def incoming = {'name').fold().map{it.get().join(', ')}
def dateRange = {
dateStart = it + '_start_date';
dateEnd = it + '_end_date';
return {'') + ' - ' +'')
def multiSelect = {
fieldName = it
return {'')//.substring(2)
def v = {
__.coalesce(values(it), constant(''))

def parent = {
coalesce(out('ardoq_parent').values('name'), constant(''))

def path = {
values('name').fold().map{it.get().reverse().join(' > ')}

def tags = {
values('tags').fold().map{it.get().join(', ')}

project('Ardoq Id', 'name', '-> Is integrated with', '<- Is Realized By', '<- Owns', 'Live', 'Active?', 'Use case', 'Missing value', 'Parent', 'Path', 'Tags', 'Component type').
by(outgoing('Is Integrated With')).
by(incoming('Is Realized By')).
gremlin graph search

What About The Reference Table View?

Replicating a reference table view is also pretty straight forward, but does require some modifications.

First, instead of selecting components (vertices), we instead select references (edges):


Then introduce two new helper functions for selecting the incoming and outgoing component:

def source = {  outV().values('name')}def target = {  inV().values('name')}

Also, tags are stores slightly different on references due to a gremlin limitation ("multi-properties" are not available for edges), so you can rewrite the tags-helper:

def tags = {  coalesce(values('tags'), constant([])).map{it.get().join(', ')}}

These changes now show a "reference table"-style output:

ardoq gremlin graph search
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