Date range fields are a special field type in Ardoq, which are presented as a distinct field, but at times must be handled as two Date time fields. For the purposes of the Ardoq API and Gremlin graph search, find the names of the underlying Date time fields, and construct your search or API calls accordingly.
The underlying Date time field names can be seen under the 'Manage fields' menu when editing the Date range field:
Under the API ATTRIBUTE NAME header, the two Date time field names will be displayed, separated by a comma.
When composing a Gremlin graph search query, use the Date time fields if you wish to constrain the query based on start or end dates that are greater than or less than your reference date.
fiveDaysAgo = new Date().toInstant().minus(5, java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.DAYS).toString()g.V().hasLabel('Application'). has('research_start_date', lte(fiveDaysAgo))
Calls to the Ardoq API must also deal with the underlying Date time fields; it is not possible to reference a Date range field in an Ardoq API call.
When using Advanced search, it is not necessary to look up the Date time field names. Simply select the Date range field in the field list, and apply a constraint using the before, after, contains, or does not contain operators.