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.NET client [Deprecated]
.NET client [Deprecated]

Install the Small C# wrapper for the Ardoq REST API.

Kristine Marhilevica avatar
Written by Kristine Marhilevica
Updated over a week ago


The Ardoq .NET client has been deprecated. We recommend using the Ardoq Public REST API for custom integrations.


Small C# wrapper for the Ardoq REST API.


Install the NuGet package

PM> Install-Package Ardoq


var client = new ArdoqClient(new HttpClient(), "", "api-token", "ardoq");

The client will operate on the default organization (Sandbox). To change this set the Org field on the client to the appropriate organization.

Starting a small project

NB: Before using the client you have to generate an API token.

using Ardoq;using Ardoq.Models;using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Net.Http;using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace ConsoleApplication{    class Program    {        static void Main(string[] args)        {            var workspace = new Program().Run();            workspace.Wait();            Console.WriteLine(workspace.Result);            Console.ReadLine();        }         public async Task<Workspace> Run()        {            var client = new ArdoqClient(new HttpClient(), "", "insert-your-token-here", "your-organization-label");            var template = await client.ModelService.GetTemplateByName("Application Service");            var workspace = await                client.WorkspaceService.CreateWorkspace(new Workspace("demo-workspace", template.Id, "My demo workspace"));            var model = await client.ModelService.GetModelById(workspace.ComponentModel);            var webshop =                await                    client.ComponentService.CreateComponent(new Component("Webshop", workspace.Id, "This is the webshop", model.GetComponentTypeByName("Application")));            var webshopCreateOrder =                await                    client.ComponentService.CreateComponent(new Component("Create order", workspace.Id,                        "Creates an order based on the current shoppingcat", model.GetComponentTypeByName("Service"), webshop.Id));            var erp =                await                    client.ComponentService.CreateComponent(new Component("ERP", workspace.Id, "This is the ERP system", model.GetComponentTypeByName("Application")));            var erpCreateOrder =                await                    client.ComponentService.CreateComponent(new Component("Create order", workspace.Id,                        "Creates an order", model.GetComponentTypeByName("Service"), erp.Id));             var reference = await                    client.ReferenceService.CreateReference(new Reference(workspace.Id, "Order from cart", webshopCreateOrder.Id, erpCreateOrder.Id,                        model.GetReferenceTypeByName("Synchronous"))                    { ReturnValue = "Created order" });            await client.TagService.CreateTag(new Tag("Customer", workspace.Id, "",                new List<string>() { webshopCreateOrder.Id, erpCreateOrder.Id }, new List<string>() { reference.Id }));            return await client.WorkspaceService.GetWorkspaceById(workspace.Id);        }    }}

Running this simple example lets Ardoq visualize the components and their relationships.

Component landscape:

Ardoq components relationships

Sequence diagram:

Ardoq sequence diagram

Relationship diagram:

Ardoq relationship diagram


The model API is not stable yet, so you have to create your Model in the UI and refer to the id.



In order to run the tests, you need an Ardoq account. You also need to generate a security token and edit the settings in ArdoqTest.Helper.TestUtils to fit your configuration.


Copyright © 2015 Ardoq AS

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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