Docker Compose Add-on
Connect CI-System
Connect your Continuous Integration system to the Docker Compose add-on, and you will never have outdated documentation again!
Automation is simply done with an HTTP POST to our Docker Addon Service. Here is an example using curl:
curl -i -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" –data-binary @docker-compose.yml ''
The Docker Compose file is in the POST body, and the parameters are as follows:
token: Ardoq API access token (personal)
org: Your organization account name in Ardoq
wsname: Name of the workspace to store the import
repos: Comma separated list of extra repositories to include in Docker parent image hierarchy search.
account: Optional Docker HUB account name.
password: Optional Docker Hub password.
If you’re concerned about security using your docker hub credentials, you can also run the add-on locally using Docker.
docker run -d -p 9009:9009 -e ARDOQAPIURL="" -e ARDOQWEBURL="" ardoq/ardoq-docker-compose-addon:latest