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IT-Pedia Integration

Learn how to set up the IT-Pedia integration and begin the synchronization process.

Nicholas Boyd avatar
Written by Nicholas Boyd
Updated over a month ago

What is IT-Pedia?

IT-Pedia is a detailed library updated daily of information about millions of IT products - hardware, software and other equipment. The IT product-records provide data needed for IT planning, budgeting, purchasing and maintenance phases.

To make use of the IT-Pedia integration, you need a subscription to Eracent's IT-Pedia product. If you already have an account, please follow the below steps to start using the integration in Ardoq.

Creating a Connection

From the main menu, navigate to Home > Import and Integrations. Click on View all integrations and select IT-Pedia.

Click Create new connection and fill in your login details. The default base URL should not be changed in most cases.

IT-Pedia Data Enrichment

The Ardoq-IT-Pedia integration works by passing Ardoq technology product components to IT-Pedia. IT-Pedia will attempt to identify the technology products and will return additional details from its catalog as new fields for the passed-in components.

IT-Pedia will also retrieve active vulnerabilities for the identified technology products based on their versions. Vulnerabilities will be imported as new components with the Vulnerability type and will have the Impacts reference for the relevant software.

Note: Currently, we don't support login credentials from Microsoft Entra ID. Please contact IT-Pedia to set up login credentials.

Selecting Components for Enrichment

T-Pedia enrichment of Ardoq components is done by passing two required values (Manufacturer Name and Product Name) and an optional value (Version) to IT-Pedia so that it can match that combination of manufacturer and product name to a product in their catalog.

The naming and organization of your technology products will vary with your enterprise architecture practices, but the important detail is to provide enough specificity to IT-Pedia so that it can identify your product.

For instance:

  • Manufacturer: Mozilla

  • Product name: Firefox

  • Version: 103.0

A possible alternative:

  • Manufacturer: Mozilla

  • Product name: Firefox 103

  • Version: 103.0b4

Specifying Product Names

Product names tend to come from the Component name field in Ardoq.

If the name of the component is of high enough specificity, IT-Pedia may be able to identify version details from the product name alone without needing to specify additional version details. For example, when provided with the following parameters, IT-Pedia successfully identified the software:

  • Manufactuer: Docker Engine

  • Product name: Docker Engine v24.0

In other cases, you will need to provide a version number for your software to accurately retrieve relevant lifecycle and vulnerability data.

Specifying Manufacturer

Ardoq has two methods for specifying the manufacturer/publisher of the technology product:

  • Component parent

  • Source component of an owns/supplies reference

Component Parent

The component parent identification method requires the following Manufacturer-Product structure:

This will correspond to the following mapping:

Component Owns/Supplies Reference

This method allows you to refer to components on the other side of a reference relationship without specifically naming it.

In other words, whatever is the source of the "supplies" relationship will be treated as the manufacturer of the software. In the case below, Atlassian β†’ supplies β†’ Jira 8.21 β€” so Atlassian is the Manufacturer.

If there is no such relationship in your workspaces, then the Ardoq IT-Pedia integration will not pass any values for the manufacturer field to IT-Pedia, and likely IT-Pedia will struggle to identify the software.

This all corresponds to the following mapping in Ardoq's IT-Pedia field mapping:

Version Field

The Version field in the Technology Product mapping is optional. Without it, IT-Pedia will only use the product name and manufacturer fields to identify your software.

That said, the quality of your own data in Ardoq will determine the enrichment capabilities of IT-Pedia. At a minimum, we are trying to provide the Manufacturer and Product Name fields to IT-Pedia. Here's an example of how a technology product might be passed into IT-Pedia:

Once the manufacturer and product name fields are passed to IT-Pedia, it will attempt to match the values you provided to the data in their database. In the image above, we have passed in Mozilla Firefox v103.

However, IT-Pedia will not return a match in this case and hence will not enrich the data in Ardoq. This is because in the IT-Pedia catalog, Firefox v103 is not a valid version, since that variant of Firefox had many sub-versions:

  • 103.0.1

  • 103.0.2

  • 103.0

  • 103.0b1

  • 103.0b2

  • 103.0b3

  • 103.0b4

  • 103.0b5

  • 103.0b6

  • 103.0b7

  • 103.0b8

  • 103.0b9

Without additional information, IT-Pedia cannot enrich the data we have passed to it from Ardoq. This is where the optional Version field comes into play. We add the Version field to our software component to clarify the variant we want to enrich.

In our next example, we'll look at a software component called Jira 8.21. The full version identity of the software is actually 8.21.2, as described by the Product Version field:

Keep in mind that if the name of our component was the full version name (Jira 8.21.2), then IT-Pedia would have enough specificity to enrich the component. This decision will, of course, vary with your own enterprise architecture practices.

To pass the software in the image above, we'll use the following configuration:

After running the sync with IT-Pedia, we'll have an enriched technology product:

Mapping IT-Pedia Data to Ardoq

Once you've defined the components whose data you'll be passing in to IT-Pedia, you'll need to map how the fields returned by IT-Pedia will be added to your components.

Generally, it is simplest to create new Ardoq fields matching the names of the IT-Pedia fields:

The same is generally true for the lifecycle fields returned from IT-Pedia as well:

IT-Pedia Attributes Imported

The IT-Pedia attributes you can import to enrich your components include:

  • Hardware makes and models

  • Software versions, license types and programs, and product use rights

  • Manufacturer and reseller product codes, SKUs and UNSPSC classification data

  • Physical dimensions, weight, power utilisation, and other characteristics

  • Product End-of-Life, End-of-Sale and End-of-Support dates

  • Vendor details, and much more

Your IT-Pedia synchronization is updated daily.

Best Practice Use Cases

We recommend using the Technology Portfolio Management Use Case for mapping your IT products enriched with lifecycle and vulnerability data from IT-Pedia.

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