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Make changes to your architecture in isolation and present your proposed improvements to your stakeholders
Getting Started With ScenariosLearn how to create a scenario, suggest, compare, share, and present changes to your stakeholders to get buy-in and alignment.
How to Update Your Scenarios Metamodel With Your Mainline MetamodelLearn how to keep your scenario metamodel current with the mainline metamodel so that your changes can be merged to mainline.
How To Merge Your Scenarios And Mainline DataFind out how to bring your scenarios changes to mainline or create mainline data such as components, references, and tags in your scenario.
Introducing Scenarios: Model Alternative Futures And Analyze The Impact Of ChangeDiscover how to design alternate futures, evaluate their impact, and achieve desired business goals while protecting your mainline data.
Build Application Roadmaps Using Ardoq ScenariosLearn how to safely design planned changes to your architecture in Ardoq and communicate them to your team and stakeholders.
Solution Design Using ScenariosHow to use Ardoq Scenarios to document and explore planned changes and explore potential future states.