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Video Tutorials

Are you a visual learner? Follow these step-by-step video tutorials to set up the different elements of your Ardoq account.
Video: How to make componentsFollow this step-by-step tutorial to learn how to create components - aka core data elements - in Ardoq.
Video: How to create referencesFollow this step-by-step tutorial to learn how to create references - the glue that connects/links components together - in Ardoq.
Video: How to create fieldsFollow this step-by-step tutorial to learn how to create fields - important pieces of information that you want to search or filter by.
Video: How to change referencesLearn how to change references - the glue that connects/links components together - in your Ardoq workspace.
Video: Inviting users to your organizationFind out how you can expand your organization by inviting users and by managing their workspace permissions.
Video: ReferencesBe explicit about how your process flows by creating references - the glue that connects/links components together.
Video: FieldsAdd attributes to the steps you've added to your process, and important pieces of information that you want to search or filter by.
Video: ComponentsFind out how to add content to your workspace by creating components - the core data elements in Ardoq.
Video: SurveysIncrease engagement within your organization and capture data from untrained users by creating surveys manually or automatically.
Video: Managing the home screenIncrease your navigation speed and learn how to manage your home screen in order to quickly find what you're looking for.
Video: Perspectives introLearn how you can manage your perspectives in order to create new business-friendly visualizations of your data.
Video: Perspectives groupingFind out how to manage your perspectives in a more advanced way. Simply highlight what you care about most.
Video: Perspectives formattingFind out how you can dive deeper into conditional formatting (or created heatmaps) for your perspectives.
Video: Presentation introPresent live data from Ardoq in a simple way and enable readers to consume data from you in a much intuitive way.