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Build a context-sensitive, zoomable map that shows the hierarchies of the current components in your model.

Kristine Marhilevica avatar
Written by Kristine Marhilevica
Updated over a week ago


The treemap gives you a zoomable map that shows the hierarchies of the current components. It is context-sensitive.

The size of the boxes is calculated based on the number of child components it has, but it can also calculate the size of the box, based on incoming references. The more references it has, the more important it is.

Click on a component’s name to zoom into it and show the child component.

  • Click the top “Zoom out”-button on top.

Special options

  • Calculates the size of the boxes based on the number of child components.

  • Calculate size based on incoming references by hovering and clicking on the "Calculate size based on incoming references" button.

  • This allows you to show which component is most “used” or referenced. The bigger the box, the more important it probably is.

  • Calculate size based on outgoing references by hovering and clicking on the "Calculate size based on outgoing references" button.

  • This allows you to show which component is most dependant on other components.

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