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Data Visualization

Communicate your story efficiently through business-friendly data visualizations and share your insights with stakeholders.
Component Overview Page in Ardoq and Ardoq Discover
Introducing an Improved Way to Access and Visualize Data
The Difference Between Old and New Ways of Visualizing Your Data in Ardoq
How to Create and Share a Viewpoint Using the New Viewpoint BuilderLearn how to quickly and efficiently explore your data to generate insights faster with Ardoq's new viewpoints.
Organizing Viewpoints in Ardoq: Best PracticesThis article provides best practices for organizing and naming viewpoints in Ardoq to enhance accessibility and efficiency.
Five Commonly Used Viewpoints in Ardoq and How to Create ThemIn this article, we walk you through the viewpoint creation process for the most commonly used Ardoq Solutions.
How to Customize, Save, and Share Views in the New Viewpoint BuilderMaster the steps to personalize your view, save it, and share it with your stakeholders.
Multiple Label formatting in Viewpoints
Modernized Block Diagram as Beta in Viewpoint BuilderIntroduction to the new Block Diagram view in the Viewpoint Builder. This feature is currently in Beta.
Learn what type of visualizations you can use in Ardoq.
Ardoq View Portfolio StatusUnderstand the status of all views in Ardoq's portfolio.
Change Component Icons to ImagesCustom images can enhance your components' visual appeal.
TagscapeFind a simple way to label components and references through tags, or filter by tags to narrow down your perspective.
Block DiagramCreate process diagrams, deployment diagrams, organization charts, or any view where you expect more structure in the flow.
TablesLearn how to get a context-sensitive and simple view that enables you to look at several components at once.
Component TreeFind out how to easily visualize, drag, and link the components in a workspace in a hierarchical tree.
TreemapBuild a context-sensitive, zoomable map that shows the hierarchies of the current components in your model.
Dependency WheelShowcase all the references between components in the current workspace, and see the incoming and outgoing references.
Relationships ViewStreamline your high-level and low-level data analysis.
SwimlanesShow components arranged by their workspaces and parent components, or apply grouping rules to view new Swimlanes.
How to Export Data from ArdoqLearn how to export your data and visualizations to Excel (.XLS), .PNG, .SVG, .PDF or using reports.
Capability MapDisplay your business capabilities on an easy to grasp canvas through a default layout or a layout defined by a dedicated field.
Bubble ChartPlot your numeric data with X and Y coordinates to easily depict components in a two-dimensional space.
Timeline viewGet a familiar and unique perspective on your time-based data by plotting component date ranges and milestone dates.
Graph TraversalFind out how the Block Diagram view uses the graph traversal to enable you to create better visualizations of connected data.
Grouping in Block DiagramLearn about the improved logic in Block Diagram, which will be rolled out across other views over time.
Component MatrixFind a powerful way to list components and visualize direct references in multiple grouping dimensions.
Pages ViewFind out how to use the Pages view to see all of the information of the components and references in a workspace textually, wiki-style.
Dependency MapShow dependencies between your applications, processes, and other components across or inside workspaces.
Dependency MatrixIn this article, we explore the core functionalities and benefits of Ardoq’s Dependency Matrix View.
Dependency Map Vs Capability MapThis article describes and contrasts the differences between Dependency Map and Capability Map views.
Spider Chart ViewHere we explain the basics of our Spider Chart View: a graphical way to display your multivariate data.
How to Automatically Calculate Component End Dates and Create a Quarter-Based RoadmapMaster quarter-based project roadmaps with Gremlin Query Language for improved planning.
Interactive Blocks [Beta]Create diagram with more control over where the components are laid out in the view to better visualise your insights.
Understand how to use perspectives to navigate your data.
PerspectivesUse perspectives and quick filters to navigate your data and tell a cohesive story within the organization.
Conditional FormattingLearn how to access conditional formatting and highlight the important components in a view based on your preferred criteria.
GroupingFind a powerful way to show more information about the components hierarchy, as well as get a clearer view.
Calculated FieldsVisualize more complex properties of your data by creating fields with values derived from your graph data.
Saved PerspectivesEasily access presentations that you use often or have set up with grouping, formatting and/or filter rules.
Displaying the reference name in viewsUse the label formatting feature to display the reference name on the references across the Block Diagram, Swimlane, or Dependency Map view.
Graph FiltersLearn how to utilize graph filters for better analysis, visualizations, and communication within your organization.
Label formattingUse the label formatting feature to display the name, type or field values on the components and references
Ardoq Heat mapLearn how to better differentiate and analyze certain values by creating a custom heat map in Ardoq.
Effective Project Management: Examples of Using Time Filters in ArdoqExamples of Using Time Filters in Ardoq
Share actionable insights with your stakeholders by adding views, dashboards, reports, and more to a shareable Ardoq presentation.
How to Create and Share a PresentationLearn how to create professional-looking presentations to share live data with your internal and external stakeholders.
Keyboard Shortcuts in Presentation ModeFind out how you can easily navigate your presentations through clever keyboard shortcuts that allow you to speed up.
Presentations PermissionsLearn about the types of read and write permissions so you can safely share and collaborate on your presentations.
Presentation Specific FiltersUnderstand what content will be part of a long-living presentation and ensure that unrelated content from new workspaces is kept out.
Embedding Presentations Into Microsoft SharePoint Using IframesMake some simple configuration entries and embed Ardoq Presentations and Surveys inline within your current SharePoint page.
Embedding Presentations Into Confluence Using IframesConfigure your Iframe with its own scrollbar independent of the surrounding page's scrollbar to embed Ardoq Presentations.
How to ensure consistent Presentation Slides in ArdoqUnderstand how presentation slides may differ by user role and how to make sure they're consistent for all viewers.