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Zapier Integration

Find the invitation link you need to receive access to the Zapier integration, then create your first Zap.

Kristine Marhilevica avatar
Written by Kristine Marhilevica
Updated over a week ago

Table of Contents

About Zapier

Zapier is a web automation platform that allows users to integrate and automate workflows across multiple Cloud tools. The big benefit of Zapier is that it makes it possible to integrate tools that don't have direct integrations, as long as they expose actions and triggers via Zapier.

Ardoq Zapier Integration

Ardoq's Zapier integration is currently invite-only, but you can activate it by clicking on this invitation link:

Ardoq's Zapier integration exposes a set of actions i.e. "create component" as well as webhooks that can be used to trigger "downstream" behavior in other tools.

For example, the zap below creates a component in Ardoq every time a new email matching a particular search is received by a shared email inbox.

Ardoq Zapier integration

Setting Up the Ardoq Zapier Integration

1. Create your first zap

Once you are granted access to the Zapier integration, log in to Zapier and create your first zap.

2. Configure your zap

After creating your zap you will reach the zap configuration step, you will see a screen like the one in the screenshot below. Click “Connect an Account” to begin the process of configuration.

Ardoq first Zap

3. Generate an API Token

The resulting window will request your organization name and API Token. Type the name of your organization exactly as it appears in Ardoq.

Next, use your organization key, which may differ from the display name. You can find it in 'Preferences > Your account settings > API and Tokens'.

Ardoq Zapier generate API token

Type a descriptive name for the token and click create. This will result in an API token that you will use to integrate with Zapier. Copy the token and paste it back into the Zapier configuration dialog to complete the integration.

Ardoq Zapier token

4. Find you Ardoq Application URL

You will also be asked for your Ardoq Application URL -- this is the URL that you use to access your Ardoq organization. If you have a custom domain, this will be "", otherwise, it's "".

5. Add a webhook

When you create a Zapier Zap using the Ardoq integration, Zapier will provide you with a webhook to be added to Ardoq:

Ardoq Zapier webhook

Copy and set up this webhook to register custom "callbacks" that will be called with an HTTP POST request whenever something changes in Ardoq.

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