Bring engaging, data-driven stories to life with real-time graph-powered dashboards and reports.
How to Create a DashboardTransform your data into stories with customizable dashboards.
How to Give Users Access to Reports Outside of Core ArdoqEnable stakeholders to explore granular data straight from Ardoq Discover regardless of whether you have access to Ardoq Discover.
How to Give Users Access to Dashboards Outside of Core ArdoqAllow stakeholders to explore aggregated data in Ardoq Discover regardless of whether you have access to Ardoq Discover already.
Creating Custom Color Themes for Powerful Dashboard Data VisualizationLearn how to create effective custom color themes to create visually appealing, informative, and intuitive dashboards.
How to Create a ReportAnalyze your workspace data, decide what data to share and with who, and eliminate data silos with reports.
Advanced SearchFind relevant data based on what you have documented in Ardoq through simple or multiple data sets searches.
Gremlin Graph SearchGraph Search is a powerful way of analyzing your data and building up an Enterprise Intelligence Graph.