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Granting Access To Ardoq Discover And Assigning Permissions
Granting Access To Ardoq Discover And Assigning Permissions

Learn how to authorize users to explore assets in Ardoq Discover.

Written by Jacqueline S.
Updated over a year ago

The type of assets users can access in Ardoq Discover are viewpoints, dashboards, and reports. Regardless of your user role, it is only possible to read assets in Ardoq Discover with the exception of updating component information via a survey in a viewpoint. To create assets you must log in to core Ardoq and be an admin or writer user with the relevant privilege enabled.

To allow users to open assets in Ardoq Discover, you must:

  1. Enable the Access Discover privilege in core Ardoq to allow them to open Ardoq Discover. Only admin users can enable privileges.

  2. Assign them a permission on each asset you wish them to explore in Ardoq Discover directly from core Ardoq. Only admins and writer users with the "Administrator" permission can assign a permission.

Read on to learn how you can provide access to Ardoq Discover and set permissions to control individuals' access to specific assets.

Table of contents:

How to Grant Users Access to Ardoq Discover

To provide users with access to Ardoq Discover and empower them to explore assets within Ardoq Discover:

  1. Enable the Access Discover privilege on their user role or individually per user.

  2. Grant your users a permission on each asset you wish them to explore in Ardoq Discover.

The Access Discover privilege only allows users to access Ardoq Discover. It doesn't give users access to assets (i.e viewpoints) automatically. To ensure users can explore data in Ardoq Discover upon login, make sure to assign them permission on at least one asset (viewpoint, report, or dashboard). Learn which permission to assign to users and how in the section below.

How to Enable the Access Discover Privilege on a User Role

Enable the Access Discover privilege on a user role when you wish to grant users with a specific user role access to Ardoq Discover. It is the easiest way to manage who can access Ardoq Discover in your organization.

To grant Discover access to a specific user role:

  1. Navigate to Preferences > Organization Settings > Manage User Roles

  2. Select the user role you want to configure

  3. Tick the “Access Discover” checkbox

  4. Click “Save”

Ardoq Discover enable access for a user role

Once the Access Discover privilege is enabled on a user role, it is not possible to disable it on specific users who have that user role. For example, if you enable the Access Discover privilege on the Contributor user role, all of your existing Contributor users, and those you add in the future, will be able to access Ardoq Discover. Because the Access Discover privilege is enabled on the Contributor user role, you won’t be able to disable the Access Discover privilege on single users who have the Contributor user role assigned.

Ardoq Discover remove privileges

How to Enable the Access Discover Privilege per Single User

Enable the Access Discover privilege individually per user when you wish to give specific users access to Ardoq Discover in case their user role does not grant it.

To enable the Access Discover privilege on single users:

  1. Navigate to Preference > Organization Settings > Manage Users

  2. Look for the user you want to enable the Access Discover privilege on

  3. Click on the three-dot menu next to the name of a user

  4. Tick the "Access Discover" checkbox

  5. Hit "Save"

Ardoq Discover - Enable the Access Discover privilege individually per user

As a last step, you can let people know that they can now access Ardoq Discover by sending them an email. Simply copy their email addresses by clicking on the "Copy emails" button. Make sure to assign them permission on at least one asset before notifying them to ensure they can explore data in Ardoq Discover upon login.

Ardoq Discover invitation

How to Enable Users to Open Assets in Ardoq Discover

The type of assets users can access in Ardoq Discover are viewpoints, dashboards, and reports. Regardless of your user role, it is only possible to read assets in Ardoq Discover with the exception of updating component information via a survey in a viewpoint.

To allow users to open assets in Ardoq Discover, you must:

  1. Enable the Access Discover privilege in core Ardoq. Only admin users can enable privileges.

  2. Assign them a permission on each asset you wish them to explore in Ardoq Discover directly from core Ardoq. Only admins and writer users with the "Administrator" permission can assign a permission. Learn which permission to assign to users and how in the section below.

Who Can Assign Asset Permissions?

Admin and writer users with 'Administrator' permission on an asset can assign permissions to other users for that specific asset.

👉 Note: Admin users have access to all assets by default. You don’t need to grant admin users the “Administrator” permission for them to assign permissions to other users.

Assigning the Right Permission

The permission you can assign to a user depends on their user role. Whether users are able to access the asset in core Ardoq and Ardoq Discover also depend on the user's role and whether they have the Access Discover privilege enabled.

👉 Note: It is not necessary to grant admin users a permission for them to open an asset in core Ardoq or in Ardoq Discover. However, you do need to enable the Access Discover privilege for admin users to access the assets they've been granted a permission on in Ardoq Discover.

Take a look at the chart below to find out which permission you can assign users based on their user role. Plus, whether users will be able to open the asset in Ardoq Discover given they have the Access Discover enabled. 👇

which permission you can assign users based on their user role in Ardoq Discover

How to Grant Users a Permission on an Asset

  1. Navigate to the Viewpoint, Report, or Dashboard overview page from the left-side vertical navigation menu in core Ardoq.

  2. Click on the three-dot menu next to the name of the viewpoint, report, or dashboard you want to give users access to and select “Permissions”.

  3. Next, assign a permission to "All organization members" and "All contributors". Alternatively, type the name of single users or a group from the "Add user or group" dropdown.

    1. If you are granting users access to a viewpoint and want them to open it in Ardoq Discover, assign them at least the "Explore viewpoint in Discover" permission.

    2. If you are granting users access to a report or a dashboard and want them to open them in Ardoq Discover, assign them at least the "Read-only" permission or "Access to report/dashboard" for Contributor users.

    3. If you wish users to respond to a survey through a viewpoint in Ardoq Discover, grant them at least the "Submit survey answers" permission on the survey. Remember to tick the "Add survey in Discover" checkbox on the relevant survey.

  4. Click on the “Close” button to save your changes.

    Ardoq Discover - manage viewpoint permissions

An Example of How Permissions Work

Let’s take a look at how permissions work in practice.

An admin user has access to all data in Ardoq Discover given that they have the "Access Discover" privilege enabled. This means that the admin user sees all workspaces in all viewpoints in the search bar’s Browse menu.

Ardoq Discover admin view in search bar

If the admin users clicks on a particular component - let’s say the SAP ERP application - then they’ll see all its associated components to one degree of relationship.

Ardoq Discover - admin component view

Now, let’s say they have defined a new viewpoint(A) consisting of 4 component types: Business Capabilities, Applications, Servers, and Locations. Each of these types sits in separate workspaces with the same names.

Ardoq Discover viewpoint editor

Next, they grant the writer user Diana the "Access Discover" privilege and assign her the “Explore viewpoint in Discover” permission on viewpoint(A).

Ardoq Discover - manage viewpoint permissions

Diana can now open viewpoint(A) in Ardoq Discover. She cannot open viewpoint(A) in core Ardoq because the "Explore viewpoint in Discover" permission she was assigned does not allow her to edit the viewpoint in core Ardoq. It only allows her to open viewpoint(A) in Ardoq Discover. Viewpoints on which users have been assigned the "Explore viewpoint in Discover" show greyed out in core Ardoq to indicate users have access to them but through Ardoq Discover.

Ardoq Discover - viewpoint overview

In Ardoq Discover, Diana can now search for business capabilities, applications, servers, and locations included in viewpoint(A) by typing the name of a component. For example “SAP ERP”, in the search bar or navigating the search bar’s Browse menu. The parent folders of those workspaces also show in the Browse menu. Only the workspaces within the folders Diana has access to show, not the contents of the whole folder.

Ardoq Discover global search bar

So when Diana searches for “SAP ERP” she can see and open the SAP ERP component in the default viewpoint view, where she can see only the component types included in viewpoint(A). She cannot see components from other workspaces that are more than one step away from the context component. For example, she will not see locations from the Locations workspace to view where those applications or servers are located.

Ardoq Discover - relationship overview

1. Privileges assigned through a user's role cannot be individually revoked. To restrict access, you should first remove the 'Access Discover' privilege from the Contributor Role via Manage User Roles tab, and then directly assign it to the specific users you intend to grant access to.
2. To view all users who have Discover access, navigate to the "Manage Users" section. There, you can apply a filter specifically for users with Discover access, which will present you with a comprehensive list of those users.

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