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Ardoq Discover

Shift the focus towards collaboration and engagement, and empower distributed teams to make better-informed decisions.
🔎 Ardoq Discover For A Wider Organization
Learn how to use Ardoq to get the most from enterprise architecture insights.
Getting Started With Ardoq DiscoverThis guide helps you learn what you can do in Ardoq Discover.
How Different Business Roles Use Ardoq DiscoverIn this article we are talking about the specific business roles and the way Ardoq Discover brings value to them.
What Kind of Ardoq Assets You Can AccessLearn about additional assets that Ardoq offers.
Ardoq Discover GlossaryThis article provides definition of terms that we use on the details page of Ardoq Discover.
Ardoq Discover Video GuidesWatch videos on how to perform various actions in Ardoq Discover.
Helpful Features Of Ardoq DiscoverIn this article, we’ll dive deeper into the functionality of the important features of Ardoq Discover.
🔧 Ardoq Discover For Digital Transformation Teams
Learn how to use Ardoq Discover to make it easy for anyone in your organization to explore enterprise architecture insights and contribute to the shared knowledge base.
Introducing Ardoq Discover to Ardoq AdministratorsDiscover the key differences of using our new tooling. Enable the wider organization to self-serve their own needs.
Understanding ViewpointsFind out what a viewpoint is, how they define what can be visualized in Ardoq Discover, and how it is to be visualized.
How to Create a Viewpoint in Ardoq DiscoverLearn how to create and manage new and existing viewpoints in this step-by-step guide.
Granting Access To Ardoq Discover And Assigning PermissionsLearn how to authorize users to explore assets in Ardoq Discover.
Using Surveys With Ardoq DiscoverCreate an Enterprise Architecture application with full read-write capabilities and mass consumer appeal.
Using Broadcasts With Ardoq DiscoverBring your audience straight to the Ardoq Discover interface, giving these interactions a new level of visibility and value.
Viewpoint PatternsMatch your own requirements by discovering common patterns when modeling components in architecture data.
How to Set Up a Default Viewpoint for a Component TypeLearn how to set up a default viewpoint for a component type to provide Discover users with the most accurate answers.
How to Introduce Ardoq Discover to a Wider OrganizationLearn how to setup access to Ardoq Discover for your stakeholders and setup their viewpoints and dashboards.
How to Configure the Ardoq Discover Search PageLearn how to configure Discover to become the go-to source for enterprise architecture insights in your organization.
FAQ for Ardoq DiscoverWhat do people really want to know about Ardoq Discover? Read our responses to frequently asked questions.
How to Configure the Connected People Legend in Ardoq DiscoverLearn how to configure the connected people legend in Ardoq Discover.
My Tasks in Ardoq DiscoverMy Task in Ardoq Discover is the list of components that have been sent out through the survey-based broadcast to the targeted audience.