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Dependency Map Vs Capability Map
Dependency Map Vs Capability Map

This article describes and contrasts the differences between Dependency Map and Capability Map views.

Kristine Marhilevica avatar
Written by Kristine Marhilevica
Updated over a week ago

Dependency Map:

The dependency map is one of the best views to show dependencies across or inside workspaces. One popular use case is showing applications and processes that realize the specific Capabilities.

Dependency Map is a static and a list-like view. You can scroll up and down, and every component is shown one after the other. This gives the data a more structured feel.

Ardoq dependency map example

The biggest differences between the 2 views are the view modifiers:

In the Dependency Map view you have the following options:

  • Degrees of relationships- The Dependency Map traverses references in a graph structure, similar to the Block Diagram and other views in Ardoq. Therefore, it is easy to show multiple degrees of referenced components.

  • Component hierarchy depth- If there is depth to the component hierarchy, or if a grouping rule is applied resulting in a deep grouping, the Collapse Groups / Collapse Component Hierarchy slider can be used to change to a summary view of the top-level groups.

  • Show only connected components- When the Show Only Connected Components view setting is enabled, components that do not contain references will be omitted from the view.

  • Show Vertical/ Show Horizontal- The Show Vertical or Show Horizontal view settings toggle changes how to root nodes in the Dependency Map are laid out. A vertical layout is often useful in making more root nodes initially visible without needing to scroll down.

  • Color by reference Type- By default, the Dependency Map colors referenced components according to the component style. Enabling the Color by Reference Type view setting will color referenced components according to the reference style

  • Include reference Parents- To show the parents of referenced components, use the Include Reference Parents slider. This slider controls the number of levels to display in the component hierarchy.

Capability Map:

This view lets you display the capabilities of your business on a canvas.

In essence, these 2 views perform similar tasks, however, they also have certain differences that warrant using 1 over the other.

Capability Map shows all the data in a canvas and can be zoomed out to see the whole structure, or zoom in to get certain details in clear view. By default, the layout will follow the order defined and displayed in the navigator but have a lot of control to define your layout.

Ardoq capability map without configuration

In the Capability Map view you have the following options:

  • Select field to order by- Any list type field in the workspace model can be selected here to configure the order of the view.

  • Select vertical column value- We can define that a container should move to the sides of the canvas.

  • Select a hidden component type- This will have the effect that these component types are only used to structure the layout but will otherwise not be visible at all so that we get our standard Business Model Canvas.

  • The layout of components without field value- This will determine the direction (vertical or horizontal) of the components without a field value that can be sorted.

  • Select reference types to be included- Here you can select the types of references you want to include in the view.

  • Collapse component hierarchy- Similar to Block Diagram, you can select how many levels of components are shown.

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