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Capability Map

Display your business capabilities on an easy to grasp canvas through a default layout or a layout defined by a dedicated field.

Kristine Marhilevica avatar
Written by Kristine Marhilevica
Updated over a week ago

This view lets you display the capabilities of your business on a canvas. By default, the layout will follow the order defined and displayed in the navigator, but you will have much more control if you use a dedicated field to define your layout. Read on to find out how to make that happen.

For the sake of this short tutorial, we will take an example where the capabilities are organized by domain and sub-domains. This means subdomains are grouped within domains and capabilities are grouped within subdomains, i.e. a hierarchical model containing three component types. This example without any configuration looks like this:

Ardoq capability map without configuration

We can now add e.g. a 'Component Order' field. The field must be of the type 'list field' and can contain as many list options as needed. This field, or any other list type field in the workspace model, can now be selected to configure the view. You select which field to apply from the dropdown in the view modifier bar.

The values in the selected field will now determine the order in which the components are displayed. The order will be the same as the order in which the field value options are presented in the dropdown.

Ardoq capability map components
Ardoq capability map

Two components with the same value in the selected field will be displayed in the same row. Here 'Digital and User Experience (UX)' and 'Integration' have the same priority:

Ardoq capability map two components

These rules apply recursively. Here we have set different values for the subdomains in 'Integration':

Ardoq capability map components

This produces this layout:

Ardoq capability map

Additionally, we can define that a container should move to the sides of the canvas, for instance, in order to express that the connected capabilities are of supporting nature. This vertical column value must be one of the list value options in the selected field. The specific value is selected in the dropdown of the modifier bar:

Ardoq capability map

With this selection, the 'Security' moves to the side, and our example view looks like this:

Ardoq capability map example

All vertical columns which are selected in this way will be divided into two groups and displayed on the left and right side of the canvas.
This will again also work recursively on any nested container.

Any container or a capability for which no priority is set will be displayed either horizontally or vertically depending on the state of the button on the modifier bar the furthest to the right 'Layout of components without field value'.

Grouping Components

We can now with the above rules, for example, create something like this

Ardoq grouping components

Which is almost a standard Business Model Canvas except for the two 'Group' components which have in this view the only purpose of supporting our layout. In the dropdown 'Select grouping type' we can choose a type with this purpose:

Ardoq capability map group

This will have the effect that these types are only used to structure the layout but will otherwise not be visible at all so that we get our standard Business Model Canvas:

ardoq standard business model canvas

Collapsing Component Tree

An additional way to control the layout is the dropdown to set the max depth of the component tree:

Ardoq collapse component tree

In this example, the max depth is set to 4 (the depth of a tree is the number of ancestors a given component has). That means all components which are nested deeper will not be displayed. This is mainly interesting in conjunction with showing incoming or outgoing linked components. While the deeper nested components are not displayed, all the linked components of these hidden components are allocated and displayed as children of the last visible ancestor.

Pro tip:

If you use for the domain, sub-domain, and the capability the same type, you can still create a view with some depth by using a transparent color for the component type. To do that go to 'Manage component types and model' in the sidebar editor in the 'Workspace' tab and click the color of the according to type. This opens the color selector:

Ardoq component types and model color

Regarding the Layout strategy

The width of the elements is calculated with the following rules, with the goal to create a map with about 4:3 ratio based on the layout rules. You can define on which row and on which position the element is placed, but everything else is calculated.

/*** Layout strategy** For each core row calculate all the variations, e.g. a block with 6 leafs* can be layed out as 1x6, 2*5, 2*4, 2*3, 3*2, 4*2 or 6*1. That means get* the max count of rows and then calculate for each row hight:** - the empty cells (as an indicator of the compactness of the variation)* - the deviation of the target column count* - the deviation of the target row count** Based on these numbers (with according weighing) choose the best fit.*/
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