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Component Matrix

Find a powerful way to list components and visualize direct references in multiple grouping dimensions.

Kristine Marhilevica avatar
Written by Kristine Marhilevica
Updated over a week ago

Ardoq's Component Matrix provides unique and powerful ways to list Components separated into conceptual groups.

It is conceptually similar to a Pivot table, but specifically designed for listing Components, and visualizing direct references as a grouping dimension.

The Component Matrix provides a scrollable view, with buttons to expand and collapse groupings. This makes it useful both for summary information and for drilling down into greater detail.

Grouping Dimensions

Each cell in the Component Matrix is a group of Components with matching row and column addresses. The row and column address of a Component can be direct references to other components, or a combination of list field values, or both.

Or, the column and row address can be nothing-- when no dimensions are selected for the row and column groupings, the Component Matrix will show one cell with a list of Components in the current workspace:

Row and Column Groupings

The Component Matrix settings toolbar contains two drop-down menus called Row Groupings and Column Groupings.

Displayed in these menus will be a list of all the list fields and direct references that are relevant to the listed components. These are the possible Row or Column Groupings.

Assigning one dimension of grouping (rows or columns) will apply that grouping and organize the view into columns or rows, separated by list field value, or referenced component.

Assigning two dimensions of grouping (rows and columns) will create a matrix of components, with vertical and horizontal grouping.

It is possible to add even more dimensions. A maximum of two list fields, or one reference type and one list field, can be selected from each of the groupings menus. Multiple groupings will be displayed as a collapsible hierarchy, with the most recently selected field on the "inside."

When a reference type is selected in a groupings menu, the referenced components will be displayed with their parents in a collapsible hierarchy, when appropriate.
When both a list field and a reference type are selected in a groupings menu, the list field values will always be displayed "inside" of the reference types.

Hide Empty Values

When this option is enabled, components will only appear when they have a value relevant to the row and column groupings.

Include All Descendants

When this option is enabled, all descendants (children, grandchildren, etc.) of the component in context will appear. If there is no context component, then all components in the workspace will appear.

When this option is disabled, only the direct children of the component in context will appear, or if the context component has no children, its siblings will appear. If there is no context components, then the workspace root components will appear.


That's all you need to know! Through the simple mechanism of row and column groupings, you can visualize your components, their list field values, and their direct references, from a variety of new perspectives. Try it out on your favorite workspace!

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