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Pages View

Find out how to use the Pages view to see all of the information of the components and references in a workspace textually, wiki-style.

Kristine Marhilevica avatar
Written by Kristine Marhilevica
Updated over a week ago

The Pages view shows you all of the information of the components and references in a workspace textually, like you normally would find in document editing software or wiki. In addition, it shows the fields you’ve defined for those components and references. The Pages view will also give you a textual overview of the incoming and outgoing references to each component.

The Different Parts Explained:

  1. On the top is the settings bar that is common for all visualizations in Ardoq. On the left side are view modifiers (explained in detail below). On the right side is a button that links to this article, a fullscreen button and a button that lets you export this view, or add it to a presentation slide.

  2. The name of the open workspace. This will stay on the top as you scroll down so it's easy to see which workspace you are browsing at any time.

  3. The edit button opens the workspace description editor. This button is only visible if you have the right permissions for the workspace.

  4. Here you can see the description for the workspace.

  5. Component name and icon. This lets you see which component you are currently seeing the information for. If you double click the name, the current context will be set to that component.

  6. Component edit button. This button opens the component edit menu, that lets you change the component style, properties and more. This button is only visible if you have the right permissions.

  7. Component path. This shows you where in the workspace hierarchy the component is located. The first part is always the workspace name and the last part is the name of the current component. If the component has a parent, the name of the parent(s) is shown in between.

  8. Component description.

  9. Here you can see the selected fields and the values for those fields on the component. If a field has not been filled in yet, you will still see the field name, but no value. Hover over the field with your mouse pointer to highlight the field.

  10. The reference list shows the incoming and outgoing references for the component. On the left side is the name of the source component, with the workspace name in parenthesis. In the middle is the reference type name. On the right side is the targeted component for the reference. The current component is emphasized with a bold font. If you double click on a component name, you will navigate to that component. If you perform single click in the middle, you will expand the row to show the description and the fields for the selected reference. The list is sorted alphabetically by the reference type.

How to Use the Pages View

Components can potentially have a large number of fields and references. Sometimes you might want to filter out some fields or reference types because you want to highlight some specific points in a presentation, or maybe you are just interested in getting an overview over some specific fields for all the components of a workspace.
One way we help our users control what information is being shown in the view, is by using view modifiers.

View Modifiers for the Pages View:

Select fields

This view modifier lets you select exactly which field types should be visible on a component. Clicking the Select fields button will show you a list of all the different fields for the open workspace.

With Show All selected you will see every field on the component:

Select Show none to only show the description and references on a component.

You can also manually select which fields to include to show only some of the fields on a component:

Select reference types

This view modifier lets you select exactly which type of references you want to see for the components:

This works in the same way as the Select fields view modifier: you can choose to show all, show none or only show some specific reference types. Clicking on the Select reference types button will show you a list of all the incoming and all the outgoing reference types for the open workspace.
Note that if there are incoming reference types with the same name, but coming from different workspaces, the name of the source workspace will the shown in parenthesis after the reference type name.

Hide empty fields / Show empty fields

This view modifier lets you toggle fields with no values ON or OFF. This way you can control how much space these fields take in your View, and you could also use it to double-check that you have all the information on Components that you expect to see.

Expand descriptions / Collapse descriptions

This view modifier allows you to show or hide extra details on the workspace and all its components with the click of one button. This performs the same action as "Show more" and "Show less", but applies to all collapsible items in the view.

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