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Use perspectives and quick filters to navigate your data and tell a cohesive story within the organization.

Kristine Marhilevica avatar
Written by Kristine Marhilevica
Updated over a week ago

The more data you put into Ardoq, the harder it can be to navigate and tell the story you want with your data. To help out with this, you should use different perspectives.

Perspectives allow you to filter, group or conditionally format your data. Use perspectives to group all your applications by a reference, for example, "Owned by" or to create a heatmap of your capabilities using the field "Market Differentiation". Regardless of how your data is organized, with perspectives you can highlight what you care about most.

Ardoq data visualization perspectives

Block Diagram with Applications Grouped By: Reference "Owns" in the Outgoing Direction

The Perspective menu and quick filters can be found at the bottom of your Navigator on the left side. In addition to this you can always filter directly in your view, by right clicking on a component or reference. More on this further down.

The Perspectives menu

Choose if you want to Manage to access the main menu, or if you want to choose an already saved perspective.

manage Ardoq data visualization perspectives

By clicking on Manage you can start adding Filters, Grouping or Formatting. This is opened in its own window, so you can play with different perspectives and find what works for your view before closing it by clicking only Apply.

Click Apply & Close after finished.

Tips: You can apply several filters, grouping and formatting in one view.

Take a look at these examples of time-based Filters.

Using Quick Filters

By using only the Perspectives pop up, you can access filtering without opening the main menu. Drag it up the Navigator to see more of it and make it easier to work with.


This shows you all the Components and References in your current view, and by clicking on one or more you are narrowing your scope.

In this example we choose only to see the reference "Runs on" and the components connected to them. You can see that I have checked the box on the Reference "Runs on" on the Perspective menu on the right side.

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