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Find out where you can find the full REST API documentation to integrate with Ardoq or to create custom tools.

Kristine Marhilevica avatar
Written by Kristine Marhilevica
Updated over 4 months ago

This article refers to version 1 of our REST API. We now have a new API and you can view the API documentation in our new Developer Portal. Version 1 is still available, but we encourage customers to use the new API for any new integrations.

Note: Organizations with custom domains must use that and not

Ardoq offers a comprehensive REST-API as well as wrappers for selected programming languages. You can use the REST-API to integrate with Ardoq, for example, to automate documentation, or to create custom tools that make use of data from Ardoq.

You’ll find it helpful to be familiar with the concepts within Ardoq if you start working with the API, so make sure to check out the Ardoq fundamentals.


  • An Ardoq account with read and write permissions. Contact us if you don’t have one.

  • Your API token for authorization.

  • For Windows, if you wish to follow the tutorial using cURL.

Helpful Chrome Extensions

  • JSON Formatter to make the API responses look pretty

  • Talent API Tester to explore the API in a convenient interface

  • (Alternatives to the plugins above should be available in other browsers as well.)


Make note that the API is RESTful and while the various methods it provides are outlined in the autogenerated Swagger API documentation. Log in to Ardoq and open the documentation from the help menu.

Ardoq RESTful API

The API GUI is interactive, so you can experiment with using the API directly. Expand the section for the REST endpoint, click "Try it out" in the top right corner, fill out the required fields, and click "Excecute" to perform the request.


NB: The requests are performed against the actual data, so don't experiment with updating or deleting something important.

ardoq API request

Read more about the semantics of the POST, PUT and DELETE requests.

Note: The recommended practice is to create an API user account (DUMMY USER) in your email server and restrict the user permissions by only providing the necessary permissions(reader/writer) and then create the tokens as that user which will be valid for 60 days from the last usage. Once a token is generated, save it and no longer use this account to login. This way you can indirectly control the API tokens across the org.

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