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Ardoq Fundamentals

Set up the foundation for digital transformation in your organization. Get started by learning the basic parts of Ardoq.
The Basics of Ardoq
Discover the key elements of Ardoq's core features to gain a comprehensive grasp of the app's functionality.
What are the building blocks of Ardoq?Learn about Ardoq, a collaborative, easy-to-use and intuitive tool that helps you describe your organization as a digital twin.
What Is a Workspace?Workspaces help you manage communication, permissions, and collaboration by grouping all of your components in one place.
What Are Metamodels?Metamodels define the structure of your components and references through one-on-one relationships with your workspaces.
What Is a Field?Components and references can have user-defined fields in Ardoq, allowing you to add critical metadata.
What Are References?Learn how references connect components, and why they are first-class data objects in their own right.
What is an Application? How to Model Complex Business Systems in ArdoqFollow these guidelines to help you understand what an application is and how to model complex systems in Ardoq
Workspace Size and App PerformanceFind out how many components and references are recommended per workspace to give optimal performance.
IDs in ArdoqLearn how components and references are uniquely identified in the Ardoq platform.
Reactive Fields: Instant Calculations for Faster AnalysisVisualize real-time insights with dynamically calculated fields based on your component data.
Getting Started with Ardoq
Dive into the basics of navigating the Ardoq app to kickstart your journey.
How to Visualize Your DataSee how you can get real-time insights across your strategic and operational landscapes through business-friendly visualizations.
How to Edit A MetamodelFind out how you can edit the metamodel you're using for your active workspace in just a few clicks.
How to Create a WorkspaceLearn how to create workspaces and granting users access by assigning them a permission.
How to Create ComponentsLearn how to create components in Ardoq by in this step-by-step guide.
How to Create ReferencesThis step-by-step will guide you on how to create references and reference types, and learn how to connect components.
How to Create FieldsLearn how to create fields that allow you to add critical metadata by following this step-by-step description.
How to Model Your Organization's As-Is and To-BeGet a clear understanding of where your organization is at, where your are going, and how to get there.
Manage Component Types and MetamodelLearn how to change the name, color, shape, or image of your components within your model to reflect your organization's framework.
Autogenerated MetamodelIdentify unconnected data, missing information, and data that might break your "design principles" through a higher data overview.
How to Model References with CardinalityA step-by-step guide on how to assign the source and target cardinality to a reference type in Ardoq.
Fully-qualified Path (Double-colon Notation)Use the double-colon (::) format to quickly specify hierarchical relationships in your Excel import.