Add Jira view
Add the Jira view to your workspace by selecting from the “Manage Views” menu.
Link workspace to a Jira Project
Create new issues linked to the current component
Change description and issue type
Name is automatically filled with the current component name
Description is automatically filled with the current component contents
Select the Issue type you wish to create
Depending on the issue type, and your project model other fields may appear differently.
If your Jira project requires additional fields for a new issue creation, those will appear here as well.
Created issue is added automatically
View all linked issues from this workspace to the selected project
Issues are context-sensitive
Which issues to show are based on your current context.
Filter issues based on the status
Show issue statistics based on the current context
The statistics view shows the number of issues based on their status.
Show Jira Components
This view shows which Jira Components exists for the Current Jira Project and the number of issues registered on the Jira Component.
Detailed view of Jira Component
Click on View in Jira to view Component in Jira.
Pages: section shows which components in Ardoq are linked to the current component.
Which Jira Issues belongs to the current Jira Component.
Edit an Ardoq Component to link and unlink Jira Components and Issues
You can also edit components in Ardoq by right-clicking on the component and link it to Jira Components or Issues.
Hover the options gear to view Jira Options
You can disconnect or refresh data from Jira in the Gear view.
Refresh data from Jira or Disconnect project
You can always reconnect the project if you disconnect it. No data is lost.