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How to Edit A Metamodel

Find out how you can edit the metamodel you're using for your active workspace in just a few clicks.

Kristine Marhilevica avatar
Written by Kristine Marhilevica
Updated over a week ago

The metamodel editor lets you edit the metamodel that is in use for your active workspace. Here we'll go through a couple of ways to approach this.

Opening the Metamodel Editor

There are two ways to access the metamodel editor:

1. From the Navigator

Right-click on the workspace name in the navigator, then select “Edit metamodel”:

ardoq opening meta model editor

2. From the Main Menu

Select “Manage component types and metamodel” from the dropdown menu:

ardoq opening meta model editor

Editing the Metamodel

Add another top-level component type by clicking "+ ADD NEW". You can also add a child component type by clicking a (+) button in the hierarchy.

Change the look of your components on the right side:

When you are finished, Click save and then just exit by clicking on the x at the top right corner, and everything is saved.

If you still have questions or need more information, reach out to us via our website or by using the in-app chat.

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