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Inviting Users to Your Organization

Grow your organization by inviting new users by email address, and manage their write or read-only privileges.

Kristine Marhilevica avatar
Written by Kristine Marhilevica
Updated over 3 months ago

Note: you must be an admin of your Ardoq instance to invite other users.

To invite new users, simply select Users via the Preferences>Access Control icon in the left-hand sidebar:

Enter the emails of the users you want to invite. Separate each email with a comma for bulk invitations. Assign the role and Privilege you want to assign and click Send Invitation.

After you invite users, they will receive an email from Ardoq with a link to sign up. Once they sign up, they will have access to all workspaces whose default permissions allow for all users to read or write.

Learn more about default permissions in our article about workspace permissions.

Find out how you can expand your knowledge by inviting users and by managing their workspace permissions with this short video explanation here:

If the button for inviting users is not there, follow the initially described way of inviting users into Ardoq.

Once the invitation has been sent it's valid for 90 days. If the invitation hasn't been accepted after 90 days the link in the invitation email will stop working, and the invitation will be removed from the user management tab in Ardoq.

If you still have questions or need more information, reach out to us via our website or by using the in-app chat.

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