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Administration of Ardoq

Find out how to manage your Ardoq account and successfully enable collaboration within your organization.
Add and Manage FieldsLearn everything there is to know about adding, renaming, and managing your organization's fields.
Restore Deleted ContentsLearn how to easily restore (undelete or undo) deleted components and references from your workspace menu.
Edit Your ProfileManage your own profile, contact information, data, API tokens, and passwords in Ardoq by accessing your account settings.
Organization label and access tokensLearn how to locate the label/access token or how to generate a new access token for your active organization.
Administer OrganizationLearn how Ardoq account administrators can manage the organization's settings in an easy-to-access menu.
How do I cancel my account?Find out how to cancel your Ardoq account and how to get in touch with our support team if you require additional follow up.
Branch or Copy WorkspacesLearn how to branch or copy your workspace and save yourself some duplicate work.
Setting the Locale for Date and Number FormattingFind out how you easily can change the locale to format dates and numbers according to your preferences.
Custom Workspace TemplateCreate workspace templates for other users in your organization and get them onboarded with your specific use case.
Backups and Data Retention PatternFind out how long Ardoq keeps your data and when backups are made.
Websockets in ArdoqEnable a persistent connection between a client and server for real-time collaboration (and other functionalities) in the app.
Moving Data Between Two OrganizationsLearn how to create a bundle and copy your data or bundles between two organizations in the Ardoq app
IP AllowlistingLearn how to allow a list or range of trusted IP addresses to restrict the Ardoq login and API access.
Configuring the Ardoq App in the Azure Active Directory App GalleryIn this guide we'll cover how to use Azure Active Directory for single sign on and user provisioning
Usage Metrics DashboardGain valuable insights into the features and assets that are most used across Ardoq and Ardoq Discover.
Notification CenterManage asset access and change approval requests, and stay on top of assigned survey tasks.
Audit LogLearn how to find changes made to components, references, and field types by specific users across workspaces, revert changes when needed.
View Workspace History and Revert ChangesNot sure you made changes to your workspace? See where you can find a log of edits to your workspace and undo them with just a few clicks.
Whitelisting Ardoq IP Addresses for IntegrationsSometimes, your organization's firewall might block requests coming from these NAT gateway IP addresses. This can prevent Ardoq from accessing external systems and cause integrations to fail.
SSO Management
Learn how to enable single sign-on (SSO) in Ardoq for the members of your organization.
Single Sign-on with Azure Active Directory (Microsoft Entra ID)Connect Ardoq to Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) to enable single sign-on (SSO) for the members of your organization.
Setting up Single Sign-on using SAMLLearn how to get started with Single Sign-on using SAML, with an example from the identity provider Azure Active Directory/Microsoft Entra
Setting up Single Sign-on using OpenID Connect or OAuth2Learn how to get started with Single Sign-on using OAuth2 or OpenID Connect, with an example from the identity provider Okta
Keeping the List of Users up to Date With SCIMLearn what SCIM is and how it can help you automatically sync users across systems.
Supporting IDP-Initiated SAML LoginConfigure your SSO to support Ardoq login from your dashboard tiles when using SAML as your login method.
SSO Attribute MappingExternally manage Ardoq group membership from your SSO provider through Ardoq’s SSO Attribute Mapping and flexibly define assignment rules.
View Migration
Learn how to migrate from an old view to a new view.
Migrate to the New Version of the Relationships & Dependency Map ViewsLearn how to effectively migrate presentation slides from the old to the new versions of the Relationships view and Dependency Map.
Migrating Your View Data to New ViewsMigration from one view to another, or using a new version of a view.
User Management
Learn how to invite users to your Ardoq organization and grant them the right permissions.
Inviting Users to Your OrganizationGrow your organization by inviting new users by email address, and manage their write or read-only privileges.
Assigning Users Access to Functionality and AssetsAuthorize users to perform specific actions with privileges and control asset access with permissions.
Permission GroupsGroup organisation members into groups that reflect your company or group’s structure with cascading access permissions.
User Management with Single Sign-onFollow this guide on how to use Single Sign-On for managing user roles in Ardoq from Active Directory (SAML).
How to Request and Approve Access to AssetsFind out how to request and approve asset access right from Ardoq.