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Introducing an Improved Way to Access and Visualize Data
Introducing an Improved Way to Access and Visualize Data
Anastasia Titova avatar
Written by Anastasia Titova
Updated this week

These product updates are now available in open beta as part of the Ardoq Reimagined Launch✨.

This means that users can access this feature across all their Ardoq organizations.

If you have any questions or need assistance during this beta program, rest assured that the administrators of your Ardoq organization and the Ardoq team are here to help. You can reach out to us directly via the in-app chat.

If you're an Ardoq administrator, you can opt out of this beta program by disabling this feature.

About The Product Update

On May 14th, we rolled out a new way of accessing and visualizing data in open beta.

We're introducing a faster and more efficient way to explore your data, based on how Viewpoints work. With this new method, you can load and view only the components you need right from the start, instead of entire workspaces. This approach has improved efficiency by up to 20 times when working with large datasets.

Here to opt out of beta and disable these features.

Delivering timely insights to stakeholders in your organization enables faster decision-making. Visualizing your data quickly and easily can help them access these insights sooner.

Ardoq has reimagined its approach to delivering insights, introducing what we call "NEW" and "OLD" access patterns.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the main differences between the new and old approaches and explain how you can use the new functionality to achieve your goals faster.

How to Explore Data in Ardoq

On the homepage, click the Explore button.

2. Select your context component(s)
This is the starting point of your dataset.

3. Select references.
This is to see all the other components connected to your context component. You can expand this further by clicking on a different component type and selecting references for it.

4. You can also add filters on each component type if you want. Next, click on Open dataset and you’ll see your View with the data you have selected.

5. To save your work, click on Save & Export at the top right corner. There are 3 ways to save

  • “Save as Viewpoint"
    Use this option if you'd like to reuse this as a template to access this dataset or use it with other context components in future. Keep in mind that this will be disabled if you have more than 1 dataset opened.

  • "Save as Presentation": This option saves your view as a slide. In our example, the goal is to share it further with the COO. Please keep in mind that the slide can currently only be viewed in the new view builder.

  • "Export as PNG"
    Download this as an image.

What’s new in the View?

  • AI Viewpoint Generator: You can now expand the graph by sending a request to Ardoq that will automatically update the dataset in the view.

  • The navigator now has a dataset and components tab. You can switch between them to see the datasets you’ve opened or a list of the components and their workspaces.

  • Click Edit dataset to edit what you’ve selected for that dataset.

  • Click Open more data at the bottom of the page to open more datasets.

  • You can change the context component for each dataset directly.

  • Perspectives is now called Options at the top right corner. It is now available within your view so it no longer has to be open in a separate window. There you can add groups, format and labels.


What Is a Viewpoint and What is in a Saved Viewpoint?

You are likely already familiar with the concept of the viewpoint. In Ardoq, viewpoints are a crucial part of Ardoq Discover.

A viewpoint is a recipe for creating views that align with scopes of interest or concerns. Because viewpoints are repeatable, they tend to align with a role’s concerns (e.g., a Business Process viewpoint aligns with a Process Owner’s concerns).

A viewpoint specifies the constituent elements of the view, including:

  • Component and reference types and their interrelationships.

  • Visual representation (i.e. view style) of those elements, including layout, formatting, grouping, and labelling.

Because viewpoints are repeatable, they tend to align with a role’s concerns (e.g., a Business Process viewpoint aligns with a Process Owner’s concerns).

What Is Dataset Builder?

Dataset Builder is a functionality designed to create a view.

With the Dataset Builder you can select the components, reference you want to visualize, narrow down this data using the filters, select the view style and grouping. You can also save the results of your work as a reusable template to access data (viewpoint) or as a slide, png to be shared with a wider organization.

It comprises the Viewpoint Builder, Viewport, and Configuration Panel.

What is Viewpoint Builder?

The new access pattern became possible thanks to the new and improved viewpoint builder.

What View Styles Are Supported Today?

Four most commonly used view styles are available in viewport:

  • Block diagram

  • Dependency map

  • Relationships

  • Timeline

What is a Context Component and a Context Component Type?

Context component is a starting component you select in the viewpoint builder or configuration panel when editing a dataset.

Context component type is a type of the component you selected as a Context component.

What Is Component Panel?

Right click on the component -> See component details will open a component panel. It provides users with a comprehensive information about the selected component.

When will the new viewpoints be available in Ardoq Discover?

We don't have a committed timeline for this yet. We’re waiting for the new permission model in Ardoq, which will make the transition smoother.

Where are my Ardoq Discover viewpoints?

All your viewpoints, both new and Ardoq Discover ones, are accessible in the Viewpoints section. You can create new viewpoints using the old viewpoint builder.

To do so, toggle the Legacy mode on and click create new.

Are New Viewpoints Different From the Old Viewpoints?

Conceptually, no. The difference lies only in how one can create a viewpoint.

All your previously created Ardoq Discover viewpoints are still available. You can also create new viewpoints using the old viewpoint builder.

Please note that today, you cannot use Ardoq Discover viewpoints in the main app, nor can you use new viewpoints in Ardoq Discover. Continue using the old Viewpoint Builder to create viewpoints for Ardoq Discover users.

How is the New Viewpoint Builder Different From the Old (Ardoq Discover One) Viewpoint Builder?

You might have previously used a viewpoint builder to create viewpoints for Ardoq Discover users. We have adopted the same approach to build the new Viewpoint Builder, which differs from what you were accustomed to in Ardoq Discover.

In addition to the interface:

Ardoq Discover Viewpoint Builder

New Viewpoint Builder (at this stage of development)

Creating viewpoints that can be shared as views only in Ardoq Discover or as an image.

Creating views that can be shared only as a slide in the presentation, a viewpoint in Ardoq (excluding Ardoq Discover), or as an image.

You can entry a viewpoint from any component type of the selected dataset

You can enter a viewpoint from only the component type at the start of the defined traversal

WiIl New Viewpoint Builder Replace the Old Viewpoint Builder?

We are planning to eventually phase out the Ardoq Discover Viewpoint Builder. However, for now, both viewpoint builders will coexist.

What Will Happen to the Existing Viewpoints in Ardoq Discover?

Your existing Ardoq Discover viewpoints will be replaced with the new ones. Our Product team is working on the best way to approach this transition.

How to Disable These Changes?

Only users with the role "Administrator" can disable these features by optting out of the open beta.

If you are an administrator, navigate to the Feature Settings via the left side menu and turn off the "Seamless Data Exploration" feature toggle.

For quick access, simply copy and paste "app/manage-organization/feature-settings" at the end of your organization's domain URL.

This feature toggle is active by default. When deactivated, all users in your organization will no longer see the following product updates in Ardoq:

If you'd like to opt out of the Component Overview Page in Ardoq Discover and/or Survey Response Approvals betas, please reach out to us directly.

How to Reach Out to the Administrators of Your Organization

If you have any questions about new product changes, please reach out to the admin for your account or directly to Ardoq via an in-app chat.

Here is how you can find the admins of your Ardoq organization:

Please reach out to us via an in-app chat if you have any questions.

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