Create viewpoints that load and display only the components you need from the start, without loading entire workspaces with Ardoq's New Viewpoint builder.
Note: To learn how to create Ardoq Discover viewpoints, refer to this Help Article instead.
How to Create a Viewpoint
Step 1. Access The Viewpoint Builder.
There are multiple ways to access the Viewpoint builder:
From the Home page: Click on the purple "Explore data" button at the top right corner of the screen.
From the Viewpoint overview page: Click on "See all" in the Home page or click on the "Viewpoint.
From the Assets library: Scroll down to the Assets library in the Home page and click on "Create new" to the right of the screen.
When accessing the Viewpoint Builder from the "Explore data" button in the Home page, you'll be asked to select a context component. This will be the main component you start traversing from and eventually you'll land on a view where you can visualize your configured viewpoint.
When accessing the Viewpoint builder from the Viewpoint overview page or the "Create new" button in the Home page, you won’t be prompted to select a context component, and you won’t be taken to a view after configuring your viewpoint. This offers a quick and convenient way to set up viewpoints specifically for your stakeholders. When they open the viewpoint you’ve created, they’ll have the flexibility to choose the context component(s) they want to visualize.
Step 2. Select a context component.
Select the component(s) you want to visualize. In the next steps, you'll configure what relationships and dependencies this component has that you need to see.
There are multiple ways in which you can find the components that you want to visualize:
By name: Enter the name of a specific component you want to visualize in the "Search component name" bar.
By component type: Select a component type from the "Select component type" dropdown to see a list of components of the selected type. Select the components that are relevant to you.
Through Advanced search: Use Advanced search to refine your search using specific field values, allowing you to zero in on the exact data that matters to you. To access Advanced search in the Viewpoint builder, simply toggle the button above the component name search bar.
Step 3. Select references
At this step, you can see the list of traversal options for the selected component in the reference sidebar to the right. You can now filter by type in the reference section to find what you need faster.
You will be able to see your traversal on the screen once you have selected your references.
Steps 4. Add filters (optional)
Define an even more precise dataset by applying filters to components and references. To add a filter to a component or reference:
Simply click on any component or reference in the Traversal metamodel view.
Next, click on "Add filter" on the right sidebar.
Create multiple rules for an exact specification of the dataset that matters to you.
Step 5. Refine your view with Required Paths (optional)
To ensure you only see complete relationships in your view, you can specify components that must be present in your graph using Required Paths.
Click the "Required paths" tab in the sidebar to select and manage required components.
2. Select components in your graph to mark as required
As you hover over components, the path from the start context to that component will highlight
Click a component to add it as a required path
3. Each selected path will appear in the sidebar list
4. As you add required paths, the component counts in your graph will automatically update to show you how many components will be included in your final visualization based on your current filters
Learn more about how to refine your view with Required Paths in this Help Article.
Step 6. Simplify complex graphs with Collapse Paths (optional)
If your graph contains many intermediary components, you can simplify it by creating virtual connections using Collapse Paths.
Click the "Collapse paths" option in the sidebar to define and manage collapsed paths
2. Select the starting component (FROM) and ending component (TO)
3. Enter a display text for the collapsed path (this will be shown in the view)
4. Click "Save" to create the collapsed path
Learn more about Collapse Paths and how to use it in this Help Article.
Step 7. Customize your view (optional)
If you accessed the Viewpoint builder through the Viewpoint overview page or by selecting "Create new Viewpoint" from the Assets library on the Home page, you'll see additional steps in the Viewpoint builder.
Customize your view by applying grouping, conditional formatting, and label formatting.
Learn more about how to customize your view in this Help Article.
Step 8. Open dataset
If you created your viewpoint from the "Explore data" button, the final step is to open your dataset by clicking on the blue "Open dataset" button at the bottom right corner of the Viewpoint builder.
You'll be taken to the view where you can configure the view style, add grouping, conditional formatting, label formatting, and more from the "View style, options and settings". Refer to this KB article to learn how to customize and save your view.
Step 9. Save your viewpoint
From the "Explore data" button
If you access the Viewpoint builder through the "Explore data" button on the Home page, click on "Save as a viewpoint" on the top right corner of the screen.
You can choose to save your view as a viewpoint or as a presentation slide. Learn more about saving views in this KB article.
From the Viewpoint overview page or "Create new Viewpoint"
If you accessed the Viewpoint builder through the Viewpoint overview page or by selecting "Create new Viewpoint", you'll need to first give your viewpoint a name and select a view type in the 'Viewpoint details' step before you can save it.
Here, you can also provide a description to help your stakeholders understand the purpose of the viewpoint you’ve created. Once configured, click on "Save viewpoint" at the bottom right corner of the Viewpoint builder.
Your viewpoint will be immediately saved. You should see a green toast message at the top right corner of the screen, indicating the viewpoint was successfully saved.
From here, you can open your viewpoint and select any context component you'd like to visualize.
Once in the view, if you have further questions about your selected context component(s), you can edit the dataset or open a new one.
Alternatively, you can use Ardoq's AI Viewpoint Generator to automatically generate other configurations in the Viewpoint builder for you. Follow the steps in this KB article to learn how to create viewpoints using AI.
How to Share a Viewpoint
Grant users access to your viewpoints by assigning them a permission. Please note, users can only see data in the viewpoint that belongs to a workspace that they have access to. If a user doesn’t have access to the component type selected to construct this viewpoint, they’ll be unable to visualize it as intended by the creator.
To grant users a viewpoint permission:
Navigate to the Home page or Viewpoint overview page.
Locate your viewpoint.
Click on the three-dot menu next to the name of your viewpoint and select Permissions.
Assign a permission to all members of the organization or to individual users. Learn more about which permissions you can assign per user role in this KB article.
Please reach out to us via online chat if you have any questions.