How to Invite Users to Ardoq Discover

Learn how to invite stakeholders in your organization to join Ardoq Discover.

Kristine Marhilevica avatar
Written by Kristine Marhilevica
Updated over a week ago

You can use privileges to grant access permission to Ardoq Discover to stakeholders in your organization while tracking the number of users who have access to this tool.

Privileges define the feature in Ardoq that you want to make available to a specific user.

Follow these three steps to grant the user permission to access Discover.

Step #1. Go to organization settings

From the left side menu, navigate to the “Manage users” section.

Step #2. Select the user you want to grant access to Discover

Open the “Users” section and, from the list of users that have been added to this org, select the one you want to grant access to Ardoq Discover. Now, go to the “Edit user” settings.

If you also want to see a list of all users who currently have access to Discover, select the “Access Discover” filter.

Step #3. Grant the user access to Discover

You can now check the “Access Discover” checkbox and the user will receive an email invitation to join Ardoq Discover.

Once a user has access to Ardoq Discover, it’s time to create a viewpoint that will help them answer specific questions and self-serve the EA data to explore insights.

In this article, you can learn more about Permissions in Ardoq Discover.

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