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Label formatting

Use the label formatting feature to display the name, type or field values on the components and references

Kristine Marhilevica avatar
Written by Kristine Marhilevica
Updated over 2 years ago

To display any text on your components or references you can choose Label formatting in Ardoq. You can find this option under Perspectives > Manage> Navigate to the bottom of the formatting section (see the image below).

ardoq formatting

There are two types of label formatting: for components and for references.

⚠️ Note Reference label formatting is limited to certain views in Ardoq (Block Diagram, Swimlane, Capability Map, and also in Dependency Map.)

For component label formatting, you can choose to display the component type or any fields existing on the component. If the chosen field doesn't exist on any components there will be no changes in the component's label. Here is an example of an application workspaces along with People components referencing to some applications. If the component type filter is chosen, the component name (default) will not be displayed and instead, the label displays the type: ‘Appliactaion’s or ‘People’. Note that when label formatting is based on a field ‘Hosting type’ only application components' labels are changed as the people component does not have this field.

ardoq formatting

Similarly, you can display either display text, reference type, or any existing field on a reference by choosing reference formatting. In my example, I have chosen ‘reference type’ for reference lab formatting. This is useful in cases where you have multiple incoming and outgoing references between components.

ardoq formatting

If you have any questions on formatting, feel free to reach us through email or our in-app chat 💻

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