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Dependency Matrix

In this article, we explore the core functionalities and benefits of Ardoq’s Dependency Matrix View.

Kristine Marhilevica avatar
Written by Kristine Marhilevica
Updated over a week ago

The dependency Matrix view offers the fastest and easiest way to create many references with next to no effort.

Once you open this view, you will see a grid with all the components in your workspace. On the left side, you see the "source" components, and along the top, we have the "target" components. To create a reference between 2 components, simply left-click on the intersection of the 2 components you wish to link.

Ardoq open dependency matrix view

After you have selected where to create the reference, by clicking, now you can select the properties for said reference.

Ardoq create reference in dependency matrix view

You can also create references to other workspaces.

Open a second workspace, and then select the "source" workspace in the left side menu. Then click on the top menu button to select the target workspace.

Ardoq references to other workspaces dependency matrix view
Ardoq create references to other workspaces dependency matrix view

The Second menu icon lets you select the type of reference created by clicking on the grid intersection.

Ardoq select type of reference in dependency matrix view
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