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From Business Questions to Ardoq Model

Set up Ardoq to realize value by finding the crucial business questions that need to be answered in an efficient manner.

Kristine Marhilevica avatar
Written by Kristine Marhilevica
Updated over a week ago

This article requires basic knowledge in Ardoq about how to create workspaces with components, fields, and references. For guidance on these topics please visit Ardoq Fundamentals.

From Business Questions to Ardoq Model

One of the key benefits of Ardoq is the ability to answer business questions in an efficient manner. The business questions could be of many sorts:

  • How many applications do we have and what is the overall cost?

  • What are the dependencies from SAP ERP to other applications?

  • What capabilities are supported applications that are phased out?

  • What are the implications of Server01x4 crashing?

  • What are the ongoing projects and how are they overlapping?

Finding the business questions that you want to solve is a very crucial step to succeed with Ardoq. If you don´t know what business questions are important to answer, it is very likely that Ardoq will become a playground with no significant value. In addition, defining the business questions up-front is important to avoid "scope creep." For the rest of this article, we will illustrate how we would model particular business questions in Ardoq.

Two business questions:

What are the most critical capabilities and the supporting applications? What is the overall cost of the application portfolio and what applications are missing a business owner?

These business questions are fairly common among our customers. The first question spans across the business (capabilities) and IT (applications). The second question provides an overview of the application landscape with two key parameters, cost, and ownership.

In Ardoq you would set up two workspaces, applications and capabilities.

Ardoq applications and capabilities

For this example, we use a flat model in both workspaces.

Ardoq application flat model
Ardoq capability flat model

To answer the questions we would need one field in the capability workspace.

Ardow manage fields

In the application workspace, we add two fields.

Ardoq fields

Regarding references we would only need one type, going from capabilities to applications.

Ardoq references

With this setup, we can add data on our components and start creating references.

Ardoq start creating references
Ardoq dependency matrix

Now we have everything we need to answer and visualize our questions in presentations, dashboards, and surveys.

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