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From Business Questions to Ardoq Model - Presentation

Present your findings in a visual way, and share the answers to your business questions with others.

Kristine Marhilevica avatar
Written by Kristine Marhilevica
Updated over a year ago

Before you get started, make sure you check out this article about how to create a Presentation and learn how to present live data from Ardoq in a simple way.

From Business Questions to Ardoq Model - Presentation

Presentations are a great way to show the status or answer to our business questions - as well as share this across the organization and with other stakeholders.

To summarize the questions we want to be answered:

What are the most critical capabilities and the supporting applications? What is the overall cost of the application portfolio and what applications are missing a business owner?

First question

We will start with a view of all our Capabilities, and Applications - in dependency map. My context is the Workspace of Capabilities, and since we have a reference from our Capabilities to our Applications we get a great view without doing any perspectives at all.

Ardoq critical capabilities

I am saving this as the first slide to our presentation because it shows all our Capabilities with supporting Applications. Slide two shows a reversed view of the same, so the focus is on the Application and what Capabilities it supports.

Since we have created a field on our Capabilities showing criticality, we highlight our capabilities with High criticality in red and add to our Presentation. This is done via formatting. See slide 3 in the presentation for how it looks.

Ardoq formatting

Now we have answered our first business question.

Second question

To show the total Cost of our Application portfolio, we choose the Treemap view as it can give us aggregated numbers. This view shows us number fields on components as well as an aggregated view on the top:

Ardoq application potfolio

See slide 4 in the presentation for this view, as well as slide 5 for the Spider Chart which gives us the same information in another way.

Slide 6 is a table view that gives us a good overview of all our Application fields. This table view can be used for showing us who is the business owner of different applications, and can be sorted if you click on the top "Business Owner". By sorting you can also see applications missing a business owner, but we will create a filter for this to only see these Applications in the last slide.

All done, ready to share! πŸš€


There are many other ways to visualize data and answer questions in Ardoq. For example, Dashboards can show multiple visualizations simultaneously in a summary view.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to get more tips and guidance from us regarding your specific use case πŸ€—

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