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How to Create, Launch, and Manage a Broadcast
How to Create, Launch, and Manage a Broadcast

Learn how to create message, survey, and report alert broadcasts to collect and distribute information right from the Ardoq platform.

Anastasia Titova avatar
Written by Anastasia Titova
Updated over 10 months ago

Send personalized messages to collect and distribute information right from the Ardoq platform. With Broadcasts, you can automatically reach the right people, at the right time based on your data.

Table of Contents:

What is Broadcasts?

Broadcasts is Ardoq’s highly-configurable automated messaging platform. With Broadcasts, Ardoq administrators can send a:

  • Message broadcast to distribute information across the organization

  • Survey broadcast to collect the highest quality insights quickly and at a scale

  • Report Alert broadcast to notify stakeholders about changes on key performance metrics in their portfolio

Broadcasts can send out everything from mass-mails inviting your whole organization to contribute to a survey to micro-targeted personalized alerts and reminders only sent under specific conditions.

How to Create a Broadcast

1. Access the Broadcast Builder

There are multiple ways to access the Broadcast Builder:

  • Create a broadcast from the left-hand menu

From the Home page, click on the Broadcasts icon to see the Create New Broadcast option:

Ardoq creating a new broadcast

If you don’t see the icon, you may not have Broadcasts enabled for your Ardoq organization - get in touch with us via in-app chat or talk to your Customer Success Manager.

  • Create a broadcast from a survey

You can also create a new Broadcast directly from a Survey. Once the Survey is set to ‘Live,’ the Broadcast menu will be enabled:

Ardoq broadcast from survey

Choosing the Create Broadcast option will take you to the Broadcast builder page.

  • Create a broadcast from a report

You can create a broadcast from the Report Reader.

  1. Navigate to Analytics > Report overview.

  2. Open a report you want to create a broadcast for. You'll land on the Report Reader.

  3. Click on the "Create broadcast" button in the top right corner of the screen.

2. Fill out each section in the Broadcast Builder

Step 1: Select content

The first step in building your broadcast is to define what it is you want to send and which conditions you want to send it under.

Choose whether you want to broadcast a survey, message, or a report alert from the Content type dropdown.

  • Surveys are for collecting information from your audience.

  • Messages are for alerting or informing your audience of something.

  • Report alerts are for getting notified about changes on key metrics to stay on top of your portfolio performance and identify areas where improvements can be made.

If you’ve created your broadcast directly from a survey or a report, the content type and survey or report will be pre-selected.

If you choose Survey in content type, you don’t need to specify the Workspace or Component Type (that’s inherited from the survey). For a Message, you will.

Next, tick the “Add filter rules” checkbox right to specify the filter rules that will determine:

  • Which components you want to include in each broadcast

  • The report threshold that should be met to trigger the broadcast

Setting Up Filter Rules for Surveys and Messages Broadcasts

If you want to send out surveys or a message under certain conditions, then you need filter rules.

👉 Note: If you want your Broadcast to include every existing entry in your Survey, or every instance of the component type you’ve selected as your Message scope, you can skip this stage altogether.

For both Surveys and Messages, you can specify rules based directly on components’ data using Advanced Search. For example, components with a specific list property value, or a date value that falls within a given time period.

You can also specify rules based on components' references and trigger a broadcast when a reference is changed or updated.

For Surveys, you can also specify filter rules that apply to the Survey itself - for example, Surveys that are incomplete, or that haven’t been updated in a certain period of time.

You can combine multiple filter rules to create highly targeted broadcasts.

Once you’ve defined your rules you can test them by using the component preview window.

If the preview shows no results, this means there are currently no components or references that match the rules defined. The component and audience previews always represent the current state of the data.

For example, if you’ve set up a filter condition that looks for Projects created in the past week, and no projects have been created in that time, then the component preview window will be empty, as will the audience preview if you’re using a graph query.

Setting Up Filter Rules For Report Alert Broadcasts

After selecting Report alert in the Content type dropdown and the report you want to be notified about, set up rules to trigger the broadcast. Define a value for:

  • Column: Select a field exposed in your report that you want to be notified about. To get notified about multiple fields, you'll need to create a broadcast per field.

  • Aggregate: Select the aggregate that you want to set a threshold for. The available aggregates vary according to the selected field.

  • Condition: Choose a rule operator to determine the logic for when the broadcast should be sent. Choose between:

    • Is higher than

    • Is lower than

    • Equal to

    • Not equal

  • Value: Enter a numeric value to define a threshold.

Step 2: Select audience

Click on the “Add audience” button to define who should receive the broadcast. There are four different ways of building an audience for a broadcast:

Target audience by

Available for

Using a predefined people graph query

  • Message

  • Survey

Using a Gremlin graph query

  • Message

  • Survey

Using a group or individual email address

  • Message

  • Survey

  • Report Alert

Using a selection from a People workspace in Ardoq

  • Message

  • Survey

  • Report Alert

👉 Broadcasts provides a range of audience-targeting options, from simple to sophisticated, so it’s important to understand which options to use to reach the people you want to reach. To learn more about the advantages of each option, see Broadcasts: How to use intelligent audience targeting.

Each time you add an audience, it will add a chip to your audience selection showing you how many people or addresses are in each group. You can edit an audience by clicking on the chip, and delete it by clicking on the ‘X’.

For email and People Workspace options you can directly see who will receive your Broadcast.

For Predefined and Gremlin query audience options which both use rules rather than direct selection of people, you can preview the audience before you send using the Audience Preview.

When you combine multiple audience types, the same people may be added multiple times. Broadcasts will show you who has been added from which selection in the audience preview page and will deduplicate the list so the same person doesn’t receive the same broadcasts more than once.

Ardoq broadcast audience preview

Step 3: Compose message

Broadcasts provides a lot of flexibility for building the message you’ll send to your audience. As with the other steps, you can choose between creating something generic or something highly targeted.

You can type a free-text message subject and message body using the message editor. It also provides a rich text editor allowing you to add formatting to your message.

The rich text editor is especially useful in that you can also send hyperlinks to other Ardoq assets (e.g. presentations) or other relevant content resources (e.g. Confluence or Intranet pages).

👉 Note: Please be aware of your organization’s security policies here to ensure your Broadcast isn’t misidentified as a phishing attempt!

One of the restrictions from the mail providers' side is that they don't support the Data URL (starts with "data:") and the SVG format. This means if you want to display the logo in the emails, you must use a normal ("https:") URL here, and you cannot use SVG format.

You can also use message parameters to personalize your message and make it more relevant for each audience member. Parameters include the audience name (not available for the email audience type), survey name, workspace name, and more.

Parameters can be inserted at any point in the message and will be resolved at the time the Broadcast is sent out.

👉 Note: You can’t change the email address, you can only change the display name of the email.

Broadcast message builder also has a dedicated button to "Add a Presentation" and a handy warning to alert you if the presentation's permissions may not match those of the Broadcast's audience.

You can preview how the finished message will appear to your audience by clicking on the Preview button at the top right corner of the broadcast page. From the list of the audience select one person to see how this broadcast message will look like in their inbox.

Step 4: Setting the Landing Page

The next step is to determine where the links in your Survey and Report Alert broadcast will take your audience to.

Survey Broadcast Landing Page

You can only define the landing page for a survey broadcast when using Predefined people graph query or Gremlin query audience types.

If you select the searchable overview page option, then each recipient will get an email with a single link that takes them to a personalized and searchable landing page where they can see all the surveys they need to complete for this Broadcast.

If you select the direct links to each survey option, then each recipient will get an email with a list of links that will take them directly to each survey they need to complete.

Please keep in mind that the content that cannot be manually edited by the admins has a gray background in the broadcast email, while content that can be edited by the Ardoq admin has a transparent background.

Report Alert Broadcast Landing Page

Decide whether your user should open the report in core Ardoq or Discover. Choose:

  • Link to the report in Ardoq when sending the broadcast to users who have access to core Ardoq.

  • Link to the report in Discover when sending the broadcast to stakeholders who don’t have access to core Ardoq but Discover only.

Step 5: Select Schedule and Reminder

Broadcasts can be one-time or repeatable and can be scheduled to run right away or at some point in the future.

The scheduler enables you to set the start date and - for a repeating Broadcast - the frequency as well as an optional end date. This gives you a lot of flexibility in when and how often your Broadcasts run.

You can also send reminders to follow up with people if they haven’t responded to your first message. Two things to be aware of:

  • Unlike first-time broadcast components and audiences which are recalculated for each broadcast run, reminders are based on the components and audience at the time of the original broadcast they relate to and not the current date.

  • For Surveys, reminders are only sent to people who haven’t submitted a survey response.

  • For Report Alerts, reminders are sent when the threshold is reached.

    👉 Note: The broadcast reminder is initiated from the scheduled time of the broadcast plus the reminder wait interval.

This means that if you set a broadcast to run weekly with a reminder after seven days, then it will send out two messages in the second week:

  1. The second week’s broadcast

  2. The reminder for the first week’s broadcast. Both may contain different components and have different audiences.

The other important thing to understand about the scheduler is that it will only send out a broadcast if it has components and an audience to broadcast to. Because both of these are determined by rules, for some runs of the scheduler there may be nothing to broadcast. For more information on working with the scheduler see Working with Timing in Broadcasts.

Note: The reminders will be sent at the same time of day as the original broadcast.

Step 6. Preview and Launch the Broadcast

After you finish setting up the broadcast, it’s time to test it.

Navigate to the top right corner of the broadcast page and click the “Preview” button.

Click on it and select a specific person from the predefined audience to see the email this person will receive after you click “Launch Broadcast.”

Please keep in mind that the broadcast will not be launched until one hour after you set it up.

If you’d like to launch it immediately, go to the broadcast overview page, find the broadcast you want to launch, click on the three dots menu > Send now.

Step 7. Manage the Broadcasts

From the context menu, you can trigger either unpublished or running broadcasts for a one-off run, or launch them. You can also edit, rename, copy and delete broadcasts from here.

Editing a published Broadcast will set it to unpublished and you’ll need to Launch it again. This is to prevent accidental changes from being made to running broadcasts.

The summary page also shows you if there’s a problem with your broadcasts through warnings or errors.

A broadcast with one or more warnings will continue to run but may not behave as intended; a broadcast with errors will be paused as it non longer has all the elements it needs to run - for example, its survey or underlying workspace has been deleted.

In either case, the broadcast builder will show you exactly where the problems are so you can get your broadcast up and running again.

What’s Next: Track Your Results!

The Broadcast Overview provides a summary of all your current Broadcasts. Here you can see their status, latest schedule, and the history of individual Broadcasts.

Clicking on the name of a published (status “running” or “done”) broadcast shows you its summary. Doing the same for an unpublished broadcast takes you directly to the broadcast Builder.

Create a Dashboard to Track Broadcast Results

For the broadcast with surveys, as the next step, you can create a dashboard that will help you get an overview on the completion of the survey and contribution from the recipients. Also, you can receive daily notifications about changes done by the contributors to a specific email.

FAQ: To select an audience using the People workspace, the workspace needs to use the Person component type and have the Contact Email field applied.

If you still have questions or need more information, browse our Knowledge Base, or reach out to us via our website or by using the in-app chat.

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