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12+ Survey Broadcast Use Cases to Collect and Keep Your Data up to Date
12+ Survey Broadcast Use Cases to Collect and Keep Your Data up to Date

Example on how to use Broadcasts for sending out Surveys and Reminders to the stakeholders in your organization.

Anastasia Titova avatar
Written by Anastasia Titova
Updated over 10 months ago

In today's dynamic organizational landscape, effective communication is essential for fostering collaboration, transparency, and alignment among stakeholders. One powerful communication tool that organizations can utilize to achieve these goals is Ardoq Broadcasts.

Broadcasts is a module you can use to build everything from simple alerts to advanced workflows on top of your Ardoq data.

In this guide, we'll explore the diverse ways in which broadcasts can be utilized to collect information from stakeholders in your organization. We'll delve into specific survey broadcast examples and show how to configure them in Ardoq.


Why and When to Use Survey Broadcasts

Using a Broadcast to send out an Ardoq Survey is a fast way to collect and validate data and keep it up-to-date.

Survey Broadcasts can be one-time or repeating, targeted towards specific people, or open for all to contribute to. While the Survey provides the means of capturing data, it’s the Broadcast that defines the process and the audience.

To get the best out of Broadcasts, you need to have an idea of the many ways you can use it. In the next section, you’ll find some common survey broadcast patterns you can adapt to your own needs.

To use the tools we describe in this article, we recommend you to:

If you couldn't find what you need, please talk to us using the in-app chat or reach out to your Ardoq Customer Success Manager.

The tables with the broadcast configuration that we have listed in each case below reflect the broadcast builder functionality.

To configure the survey broadcasts we listed below, you can click on Create Broadcast in the Survey Builder right after you published a survey.

💡Keep your Broadcast Builder open while reviewing configuration instructions.

12 Examples of Ardoq Survey Broadcasts

Here are some sample Survey Broadcasts, from very simple to highly specific.

Most of these broadcasts and surveys are already pre-built in Ardoq. To start using them, you need to download specific solutions assets.

1. Collect Ideas From a Wider Organization

Not a part of the use case bundles.

Purpose of this Broadcast

This is the simplest type of Broadcast. It will send an email to everybody in one or more of your organization’s mail groups with a link to an Ideation Survey where they can submit new ideas and view existing ones:

Emails will not be personalized and the link will take them to the Survey overview page. For people who haven’t submitted an idea, the Broadcast will send a reminder after a week after which the Broadcast will stop.

Broadcast Builder Section


Content type


Survey name

Ideation Survey

Filter Rules



Anyone in your organization who you want to collect ideas from. You may want to choose From Group or Individual Email

How the component list will be shared with your audience

Link to searchable overview page.

Compose Message

Subject line:

[My Org] needs your ideas!



[My Org] needs new ideas about how we can better serve our customers. Click on the link below to see the ideas submitted so far and add your own.

If you have a great idea that would create real value for our customers, don’t wait to submit it! The survey will be open until Friday, the 28th of May.


Start Date: Today’s date (default)


7 days after the first scheduler

2. Keep Information About Application Technical Fit Up to Date

You can download these survey and broadcast in the use case bundle.

Use Case Name

Survey Name

AR - Technical Fit Survey

Broadcast 1 Name

AR - Technical Fit Survey to Technical Experts (12M Recurring)

Broadcast 2 Name

AR - Technical Fit Survey to Technical Experts

Purpose of this Broadcast

This Broadcast will send an Application Portfolio Management Technical Fit Survey to application experts. The Survey does not allow them to create new applications but only to update the Technical Fit properties of existing applications.

To each person, it will only send Surveys links for the applications they are an expert in.

Let's say you want the Technical Fit Survey to Technical Experts broadcast start on 15th April. For those who haven’t updated the Survey, the Broadcast will send a follow-up reminder after one week after which it will stop.

Configurations of the AR - Technical Fit Survey to Technical Experts Broadcast

Broadcast Builder Section


Content type


Survey name

AR - Technical Fit Survey

Filter Rules



Application experts & technical owners. You may want to use the "Expert In" reference when configuring predefined query and the Gremlin query to find technical owners of the applications.

How the component list will be shared with your audience

Link to searchable overview page.

Compose Message

Subject line:

Complete a technical assessment of your applications


Hi {audienceName},

As part of our Application Portfolio Management (APM) initiative, MyOrg needs you to complete a technical fit assessment of the applications you’ve been identified as being an expert in. This will help us measure the technical fit of all applications in MyOrg’s portfolio.

Click on the link below to complete the {surveyName} for your {componentCount} {componentType}(s).



Start Date: April 15th


7 days after the first scheduler

3. Keep Application Risk Level Up to Date

Currently, not a part of the pre-built use case assets.

You will need to create:

Survey Name

Risk Assessment Survey

Broadcast 1 Name

First-Time Application Risk Assessment

Broadcast 2 Name

Application Risk Assessment (Recurring)

Purpose of this Broadcast

Let’s look at using scheduling and time-based filtering.

The purpose of this Broadcast is similar to the Application Technical Fit Broadcasts above, but this time the requirement is to ensure the Application’s data is updated every six months. Specifically, we want the application’s owner to do a risk assessment of the application and to ensure this risk assessment is updated at least every six months.

We could just use the scheduler to run the Broadcast every six months and mail every application owner on the same date. However, new applications are added to Ardoq all year round, so a smarter method is to make the scheduling of Broadcast relative to the Application’s creation date.

In other words, each Application owner will be sent a Risk Assessment Survey as soon as their new application is added, and then every six months after that.

To do this, we need to set up two Broadcasts running against the same Application Risk Assessment survey:

  • The first Broadcast will send out an Application Risk Assessment Survey Broadcast as soon as a new application is added to Ardoq

  • The second Broadcast will send out an Application Risk Assessment Survey Broadcast every six months after the date on which the Application Risk Survey is submitted

Even though we want the Application Owners to be mailed every six months, we’ll set the scheduler to run the Broadcast every week. This is because we want the Broadcast to constantly check which applications have been added or which need updating.

Instead, we’ll use the filtering rule to determine which applications are included in the Broadcast. Setting up the rule correctly will ensure that each application is only Broadcast every six months.

Also, we won’t use a reminder here: If a survey is not updated it will simply be included in the next Broadcast run.

Configurations of the First-Time Application Risk Assessment Broadcast

Broadcast Builder Section


Content type


Survey name

Application Risk Assessment Survey

Filter Rules

Survey is incomplete


Application owners. By Predefined People Query: Owns

How the component list will be shared with your audience

Link to the 'My Tasks' page in Discover. You may also want to choose linking to the List of direct links to each survey with dynamic visuals in Discover - this could help respondents see the bigger picture so they can understand how changes they made could potentially impact others.

Compose Message

Subject line:

Please complete a risk assessment of your application(s)


Hi {audienceName},

As part of our IT Risk Management Process, [My Org] needs you to complete a risk assessment of applications you’ve been identified as being the owner of.

Please click on the link below to complete the {surveyName} for your {componentCount} application(s).

All applications must be risk-assessed every six months, so you’ll be sent a message asking you to validate this information six months after you submit your assessment.

For more details of our risk policies, go to our risk policies page.

Thanks for your cooperation,


Start Date: Today


1 Week


No reminder

Because the two Broadcasts are similar we’ll set up the first and then copy and edit it to create the second.

Configurations of the Application Risk Assessment (6M Recurring) Broadcast

Broadcast Builder Section


Content type


Survey name

Application Risk Assessment Survey

Filter Rules

Survey has not been updated for 6 months


Application owners. By Predefined People Query: Owns

How the component list will be shared with your audience

Link to the 'My Tasks' page in Discover. You may also want to choose linking to the List of direct links to each survey with dynamic visuals in Discover - this could help respondents see the bigger picture so they can understand how changes they made could potentially impact others.

Compose Message

Subject line:

Please complete a risk assessment of your application(s)


Hi {audienceName},

As part of our IT Risk Management Process, [My Org] needs you to validate the risk assessment of the applications you’ve been identified as being the owner of.

Please click on the link below to go to the {surveyName} for your applications and check that the information is still true. If anything has changed in the last six months, please update the survey accordingly.

All applications must be risk-assessed every six months, and you’ll be sent a message asking you to re-validate this information every six months for the lifetime of the application.

For more details of our risk policies, go to our risk policies page.

Thanks for your cooperation,


Start Date: Today


1 Week


No reminder

4. Identify Owners of the Unknown Applications

You can download these survey and broadcasts as a part of the ALM use case bundles.

Survey Name

ALM - Application Ownership Survey

Broadcast Name

ALM - Application Ownership by Person


Enrich your enterprise knowledge base with information about application owners to find out who owns what and any apps that might have been missed.

This broadcast will send out a single email with a very simple instruction to select all applications a person owns.

Broadcast Builder Section


Content type


Survey name

ALM - Application Ownership Survey

Filter Rules

None set


Everyone in your organization. You may want to select People workspace or more narrow group of people to begin with.

How the component list will be shared with your audience

Link to searchable overview page of all relevant surveys

Compose Message

Subject line:

Help us get an overview of the applications that you own


Hi {audienceName},

As part of our Application Portfolio Management (APM) initiative, MyOrg is collecting information about the ownership of new or existing applications.

Please add all applications that you own as a department or as a team lead. If you don’t see an application on the list, simply create a new one.

Click on the link(s) below to go directly to your survey(s).



Start Date: Today


7 days after schedule

Additional enhancements to this use case are coming. You can already fully automate application ownership process by creating additional surveys and broadcasts. These assets will be soon available in the ALM use case package.

5. Capture Information About New Interfaces and Their Owners

You can download these survey and broadcasts as a part of the Application Integration Mnagement use case bundles.

Survey Name

AIM - Application Interface Owner & Expert (To Application Owners)

Broadcast Name

AIM - Application Interface Owner & Expert Broadcast

Purpose of this Broadcast

Enrich your enterprise knowledge base with information about application owners.

This survey is used to capture interfaces, noting who is responsible, and who is the expert.

This broadcast will send out a single email with a very simple instruction to select all applications a person owns.

Broadcast Builder Section


Content type


Survey name

AIM - Application Interface Owner & Expert (To Application Owners)

Filter Rules

None set


Potential owners and experts of the interfaces. You may want to choose People workspace or a smaller group to begin with.

How the component list will be shared with your audience

Link to searchable overview page of all relevant surveys

Compose Message

Subject line:

Help us collect details around new and existing application(s) interfaces


Hi {audienceName},

As part of our Application Portfolio Management (APM) initiative, MyOrg needs your help to build a detailed overview of our application integrations.

Please click on the link below to go to the {surveyName} and capture any information you might know about new or existing interfaces Please add as many details as you can, but don’t worry if there is something you don’t know



Start Date: Today


14 days after schedule

You might be interested in setting up additional broadcasts from this use case:

  • Application Integration Mapping Survey Broadcast - This survey captures whether applications consume data from other sources and what those sources are. This survey is intended to be completed by app owners or experts.

  • Application Interface Details Survey Broadcast - Collect the metadata on the interface. Including metadata such as protocol, data, lifecycle and costs (if available).

6. Enrich Architecture With Details About Cloud Infrastructure

You can download these survey and broadcasts as a part of the Application Hosting use case.

Survey Name

AH - AWS Cloud Infrastructure Detail Survey

Broadcast Name

AH - AWS Cloud Infrastructure Details Survey Broadcast for Technical Owners

For the sake of example, we'll use AWS assets. If your organization uses Azure as a hosting provider instead, you can also find the assets in these use case bundles.


Collect metadata, such as lifecycle dates, availability zone, ownership, product and costs (if available), etc. on your cloud infrastructure.

Broadcast Builder Section


Content type


Survey name

AH - AWS Cloud Infrastructure Detail Survey

Filter Rules

None set


Infrastructure owners. Predefined People Query: Owns reference.

How the component list will be shared with your audience

Link to the "My Tasks" page in Ardoq Discover. You may also want to choose linking to the List of direct links to each survey with dynamic visuals in Discover - this could help respondents see the bigger picture so they can understand how changes they made could potentially impact others.

Compose Message

Subject line:

Invitation to MyOrg Cloud Infrastructure Details Survey


Help us collect details about your infrastructure

Hi {audienceName},

As part of our Infrastructure Technology Management initiative, MyOrg needs your help to build a detailed overview of our Cloud infrastructure.

Please click on the link below to go to the {surveyName} and update the information for {componentCount} {componentType}(s). Add as many details as you can, but don’t worry if there is something you don’t know



Start Date: Today


14 days after schedule

You might be interested in setting up additional broadcasts from this use case:

  • AH - AWS Cloud Infrastructure Details Survey Broadcast for Technical Owners (12M Recurring): This broadcast will run annually to make sure information on your cloud infrastructure is updated regularly.

  • Application Hosting Owner Survey Broadcast: Capture the infrastructure your applications are running on and the deployment environment.

7. Get an Overview of All Business Capabilities

You can download these survey and broadcasts as a part of the Application Business Capabilities Realization use case

Survey Name

BCM - Key Capability Survey

Broadcast Name

BCM - Capability Detail Survey Broadcast


Document new business capabilities, basic information about them as well as the experts in these capabilities.

Broadcast Builder Section


Content type


Survey name

BCM - Capability Detail Survey Broadcast

Filter Rules

None set


Business capability owners. Predefined People Query: "Is Expert In" reference.

How the component list will be shared with your audience

Link to the "My Tasks" page in Ardoq Discover. You may also want to choose linking to the List of direct links to each survey with dynamic visuals in Discover - this could help respondents see the bigger picture so they can understand how changes they made could potentially impact others.

Compose Message

Subject line:

Invitation to MyOrg Business Capability Details


Help us collect details about these business capabilities

Hi {audienceName},

As part of our Business Capability Management (BCM) initiative, MyOrg needs your help to build a detailed overview of our business capabilities.

Please click on the link below to document a new business capability. Add as many details as you can, but don’t worry if there is something you don’t know.



Start Date: Today


14 days after schedule

8. Collect Information About Business Capabilities

You can download these survey and broadcasts as a part of the Application Business Capabilities Realization use case assets.

Survey Name

BCM - Business Capability Detail & Realization Survey (BC->App)

Broadcast Name

BCM - Capability Detail Survey Broadcast


Enrich information you got from the previous broadcast: Capture some basic details about each business capability to ensure it has the resources it needs, and to help other people understand what it is and who to talk to about it.

Broadcast Builder Section


Content type


Survey name

BCM - Business Capability Detail & Realization Survey (BC->App)

Filter Rules

None set


Business capability owners. Predefined People Query: "Is Expert In" reference.

How the component list will be shared with your audience

Link to the "My Tasks" page in Ardoq Discover. You may also want to choose linking to the List of direct links to each survey with dynamic visuals in Discover - this could help respondents see the bigger picture so they can understand how changes they made could potentially impact others.

Compose Message

Subject line:

Invitation to MyOrg Business Capability Details


Help us collect details about these business capabilities

Hi {audienceName},

As part of our Business Capability Management (BCM) initiative, MyOrg needs your help to build a detailed overview of our business capabilities.

Please click on the link below to go to the {surveyName} and update the information for {componentCount} {componentType}(s). Add as many details as you can, but don’t worry if there is something you don’t know.



Start Date: Today


14 days after schedule

You might be interested in setting up additional broadcasts from this use case:

  • BCM - Business Capability Realization (App->BC): Identify what business capabilities a system enables.

9. Create a Complete Overview of All Infrastructures Business Unites Are Responsible For

You can download these survey and broadcasts as a part of the Application Business Capabilities Realization use case assets.

Survey Name

ITLM - Infrastructure Ownership Survey

Broadcast Name

ITLM - Server Ownership by Department


In order to reduce shadow IT, you may want to find out who owns what and any apps that might have been missed. You can ask owners of the organizational unites to document all servers that belong to their department/team.

Broadcast Builder Section


Content type


Survey name

ITLM - Infrastructure Ownership Survey

Filter Rules

None set


Gremlin query to target Organizational unit owners.

How the component list will be shared with your audience

Link to the "My Tasks" page in Ardoq Discover. You may also want to choose linking to the List of direct links to each survey with dynamic visuals in Discover - this could help respondents see the bigger picture so they can understand how changes they made could potentially impact others.

Compose Message

Subject line:

Invitation to MyOrg Infrastructure Ownership Survey


Help us get an overview of the infrastructure that you own

Hi {audienceName},

As part of our Infrastructure Technology Management (ITM) initiative, MyOrg is collecting information about the ownership of new or existing applications.

Please add all infrastructure that you own as a department or as a team lead. If you don’t see an infrastructure on the list, simply create a new one.

Click on the link(s) below to go directly to your survey(s).



Start Date: Today


14 days after schedule

You might be interested in setting up additional broadcasts from this use case:

  • Infrastructure Detail Survey: Collect metadata on the server like

    lifecycle dates, Server Type, Hosting, Utilization and costs (if


  • ITLM - Alert - Server Not Reviewed in 12M: Annual reminder for all business unit owners who have failed to review and update their infrastructure on time.

  • ITLM - Server Detail Survey Broadcast for Technical Owners (12M Recurring): Annual reminder for all technical owners to review and update their infrastructure.

10. Fill In The Technical Capabilities Gaps

You can download these survey and broadcasts as a part of the Technical Capability Modelling & Realization use case assets.

Survey Name

TCM - Technical Capability Detail & Realization Survey (TC->App)

Broadcast Name

TCM - Technical Capability Detail Survey Broadcast (Recurring)


Keep information about existing technical capabilities realized by the application up to date asking experts to review it on a regular basis.

Broadcast Builder Section


Content type


Survey name

TCM - Technical Capability Detail & Realization Survey (TC->App)

Filter Rules

The broadcast looks for technical capabilities that haven't been reviewed within the last 11 months, or those where review date is empty.


Predefined query "Expert In"

How the component list will be shared with your audience

Link to the "My Tasks" page in Ardoq Discover. You may also want to choose linking to the List of direct links to each survey with dynamic visuals in Discover - this could help respondents see the bigger picture so they can understand how changes they made could potentially impact others.

Compose Message

Subject line:

Invitation to MyOrg Technical Capability Details


Help us get an overview of the infrastructure that you own

Help us collect details about these business capabilities

Hi {audienceName},

As part of our Business & Technical Capability Management initiative, MyOrg needs your help to build a detailed overview of our technical capabilities.

Please click on the link below to go to the {surveyName} and update the information for {componentCount} {componentType}(s). Add as many details as you can, but don’t worry if there is something you don’t know.



Start Date: Today


14 days after schedule

11. Provide Transparency on Data Usage by Different Applications

You can download these survey and broadcasts as a part of the Data Lineage use case assets.

Survey Name

DL - Assign Data Entities to which Applications they are used

Broadcast Name

DL - Data Entities to Applications - through Biz Caps (12M Recurring)


Data is ever increasing ubiquitous in most aspects of our business life, and to keep track of where what data is used and updated can be daunting. This survey helps your business keep track of pre-defined high-level data entities. You are asking an expert in one or more business capabilities that uses the data entities to select which applications use this data.

Broadcast Builder Section


Content type


Survey name

DL - Assign Data Entities to which Applications they are used

Filter Rules

the name of data entry contains 'customer' or 'employee'


Gremlin query to target experts in business capabilities that customers or employees have access to.

How the component list will be shared with your audience

List of direct links to each survey with dynamic visuals in Discover - this could help respondents see the bigger picture so they can understand how changes they made could potentially impact others.

Compose Message

Subject line:

Invitation to MyOrg Data use in Applications Survey


Help us collect details about the data usage of your Applications

Hi {audienceName},

As part of our Data Lineage (DL) initiative, MyOrg needs your help to build a detailed overview of how data is used in MyOrg. This Survey enquires into which Data Entities your Application(s) use.

Please click on the link below to go to the {surveyName} and update the information for {componentCount} {componentType}(s). Add as many details as you can, but don’t worry if there is something you don’t know



Start Date: Today


1 year


14 days after schedule

You might be interested in setting up additional broadcasts from this use case:

  • Data Entity Survey for Data Owners - Learn how to collect details about data entities from data entity owners.

12. Get an Overview of All Objectives For a Better Transparency, Communication, and Resources Optimization

You can download these survey and broadcasts as a part of the Strategy to Execution use case assets.

Survey Name

S2E - Objective Survey

Broadcast Name

S2E - New Objectives Broadcast


Capture new objectives from team, department, and organization owners on a quarterly


Broadcast Builder Section


Content type


Survey name

S2E - Objective Survey

Filter Rules

None set


Gremlin query targeting business unit owners

How the component list will be shared with your audience

List of direct links to each survey with dynamic visuals in Discover - this could help respondents see the bigger picture so they can understand how changes they made could potentially impact others.

Compose Message

Subject line:

New Objectives for the Quarter


Contribute to our Quarterly Objective Survey

Hi {audienceName},

Throughout our continuous effort to align company objectives with what is being done, you have been identified as a department or team owner within your organization.

We encourage you to use this survey to add new or upcoming objectives for your team, department, or organizational unit.

Should you not be the department or team owner, please use the survey to let us know.




Start Date: Today


3 months


1 days after schedule

You might be interested in setting up additional broadcasts from this use case:

  • Quarterly Objective Broadcast - Collect updates to company, department and team objectives on a quarterly basis.

  • Quarterly Key Result Broadcast - Collect updates to company, department and team objectives on a quarterly basis.

These were just a few ideas on how you can use Ardoq Broadcasts and Surveys together.

Ardoq offers 53 prebuilt broadcasts to help you deliver value faster. Request these assets via online chat in Ardoq or try to set up a custom workflow to support your unique processes.

Best Practices for Implementation

  • Clearly define objectives and target audience for each survey broadcast to ensure relevance and effectiveness.

  • Design concise and user-friendly surveys to maximize participation and engagement among stakeholders (max 10 questions.)

  • Continuously monitor stakeholder engagement to assess their participation and contributions to surveys, providing insights into their level of involvement and the effectiveness of the survey initiatives.

  • Foster a culture of transparency, collaboration, and innovation by leveraging survey broadcasts as a platform for ongoing dialogue and engagement with stakeholders.

How to Track Submission Survey Broadcast

  • If you want to gain insights into the number of surveys sent, the recipients' count, and the submission rate, utilize the "View report" function accessible at the individual broadcast level on the Broadcast Overview page. Click on the submission rate and you'll get into the detailed report so you can view who exactly hasn't submitted the survey.

  • For reviewing the change log history, use the Survey Response Log feature accessible at the survey level on the Survey Overview page.

  • If you've constructed a survey-based dashboard, you can monitor the progress of survey completion and its impact on data completion through this specific dashboard.

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