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View Settings

Represent changes you make to underlying data instantly. Learn about managing view modifiers, split-view mode, and more.

Kristine Marhilevica avatar
Written by Kristine Marhilevica
Updated over a week ago

All of Ardoq’s views are explorable and context-dependent. This means that the views use your currently selected component as a starting point. Selecting a different component, either in the view or in the navigator pane on the left, will change the view to focus on that component and its connected components.

The views are generated in real-time, so changes you or other users make to the underlying data will be visually represented immediately.

Two-column Mode

Toggle two-column visualizations:

Ardoq two column mode

Switch back to one column – click the “X” on the view you would like to close:

Ardoq one column mode

Special Options for Views

All views also have unique options for adjusting the visualizations. You can find the options in the bar above the diagram.

Most of the visualizations have the following options:

Ardoq adjust visualizations
  1. Zoom to fit

  2. Export (as SVG, PNG, or Presentation)

  3. Toggle legend

  4. Fullscreen

Select Visualizations for workspaces

When you create a workspace, you select which visualizations you want for your information. You can change views at any time by selecting the “Manage Views” button from the “More” dropdown:

Ardoq select visualizations

You can always re-add a view that you have hidden.

The Manage Views dialog allows you to:

  1. Deselect visualizations

  2. Add visualizations

  3. Browse your organization’s custom visualizations

Ardoq manage views

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