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Didn't find what the article category you were looking for? Try looking for it in this assorted list of articles.
Flexible Workspace MetamodelsUnderstand the difference between flexible versus rigid workspace metamodels and pick the right one for your workspace.
Manage Files with Document ArchiveLearn how you can use Ardoq's archive drag-and-drop functionality to upload files and link them to your components.
Which Notations Are Supported?Find the list of supported and unsupported notations in Ardoq, and create your own models that match your requirements
Using TagsUnderstand how tags provide an additional dimension of information for the components and references in your model.
The Ardoq Home ScreenGet an instant overview of all your Workspaces, Presentations, Metamodels, Reports, Broadcasts, Scenarios, Dashboards, Viewpoints(Core/Discover), and Surveys in Ardoq from an easy-to-access screen.
SortingGo beyond the default settings, and add your own fields to sort components by field values or names.
Using the "Go to ..." Quick Search Bar in ArdoqUse Ardoq's powerful search functionality to find the data you are looking for. Just navigate to the top of the app.
Supported BrowsersLearn more about the browsers supported by Ardoq, recommended screen resolution and mobile device support.
How To Capture Console And Network Logs From BrowsersThis article has information on capturing the console and network logs using the developer tools using Windows or Mac.
The Ardoq Customer Product PortalGet familiar with the Ardoq Customer Product Portal and our process for prioritizing product feedback
GDPR in Ardoq
Learn how to document GDPR compliance with Ardoq.
Exploring Approaches to GDPR Documentation with ArdoqUnderstand different approaches for GDPR documentation with Ardoq.