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What Kind of Ardoq Assets You Can Access

Learn about additional assets that Ardoq offers.

Anastasia Titova avatar
Written by Anastasia Titova
Updated over a week ago

In addition to Ardoq Discover, Ardoq gives stakeholders access to other valuable assets.

Depending on how knowledge sharing is organized in your company, these assets might be available to you in your wiki tool and shared directly by your team members.

View Data in the Story Format with Ardoq Presentations

A single slide or a story presented in the format of a sequence of slides with some exploration capabilities.

Dashboards & Reports: Keep Your Finger On the Pulse Of Changes

Most likely you’ll be able to explore these as parts of Ardoq Presentations. You can address IT complexity, redundancy, and non-standardized technology fast. You can also drill down from dashboards and reports to Ardoq Discover viewpoints and explore context specific data. Some of the reports & dashboard examples presented in the presentation video above.

Ardoq Surveys: Contribute to The Organization Knowledge Graph

Improve communication between departments and even regions by leveraging surveys. The survey’s usually received via email and consists of a few questions.

The List of Ardoq Surveys: What’s Pending From My Side

This is a generated list of applications, people or processes with the update status. Usually you receive it by email.

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