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Data Input

Learn about the multiple ways to input and edit your data in Ardoq in order to set up an efficient workspace.
Rich Text EditorEdit the description of components and references based on the WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) principle.
Learn how to create, track and use surveys in Ardoq.
How to Automatically Create a SurveyCrowdsource data collection and maintenance by including more contributing users, without having them learn how to use Ardoq.
How to Manually Create a SurveyLearn how to filter components exposed in the survey, create questions, and get a peek at advanced features through this step-by-step guide.
How to Track Changes Done by Survey RecipientsLearn how to track changes to the components made through surveys and how to subscribe to a daily digest email to stay informed.
How to Use Conditional Questions in SurveysLearn how to efficiently collect information from stakeholders with conditional questions in surveys.
How to Allow Users to Create And Share a SurveyIn this article, you will learn how, as an administrator, you can decide who should be granted the right to create and share a survey.
Edit data
Learn different ways of editing data in Ardoq.
Bulk Editing ComponentsMake changes to your components at speed by using bulk editing actions through keyboard shortcuts or simple clicks.
Grid EditorLearn how to use the Grid editor as an in-app spreadsheet editor to easily create and edit your data.
Merge Components and ReferencesDeclutter your portfolio and maintain quality data by combining duplicate components and references.
Copying Components Between Workspaces with Drag-and-Drop